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Happy Birthday

By now you all know that I inadvertently hit the wrong button yesterday and
sent out "DC Confidential" to everybody rather than just to those who have
made a financial contribution to our efforts at Citizen Outreach.  Well,
consider my "oops" a birthday gift and I hope everyone enjoyed this week's

And if you would like to CONTINUE receiving DC Confidential, again all you
need do is make a donation of $5 or more by clicking on the "Contribute"
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Should Drug Benefit Be "Means Tested"?

Day by day we get closer and closer to a showdown over adding prescription
drug coverage to Medicare.  Conservatives in Congress say that any such
benefit should be available only to the poor who can't afford it.  Liberals
and some moderates are insisting that any new drug benefit should be made
available to everyone, regardless of income.  What do you think? Cast your
online vote by going to the "Survey Says" page at

Long Live the Queen

"As much as we despise her, she cannot be drawn out...the Queen lives!!!!"

- Joby Fortson, aide to Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), in an email lamenting
that Texas redistricting efforts wouldn't eliminate race-hustling liberal
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee's district.

Fish or Fowl

"It takes more time and effort to stalk beasts in the backwoods than it does
to shoot fish in a barrel. . . . (For this appeal) not much stalking by
plaintiffs' counsel was required."

- 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejecting a bill of $76,109 from attorneys
who successfully argued for the removal of a Ten Commandments shrine from an
Alabama courthouse.  The court noted that the lead attorney in the case had
focused on First Amendment religious cases for the last five years,
including seven other Ten Commandments cases

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Why is it that whenever we learn of something really, really stupid going
on...our government schools always seem to somehow be involved.  Here's the
latest example, courtesy of an editorial in yesterday's Union Leader:

"When federal education officials told states to do something about
dangerous schools, they weren't talking about kindergarten finger paintings.
That didn't stop Massachusetts from leaping into the void to protect
students from their own artwork and poetry.  Saying taped-up paper
represents a fire hazard, the state forbade teachers this fall from covering
more than 20 percent of classroom wall space with any kind of 'flammable
material' - otherwise known as cardboard cutouts of the alphabet, postings
of classroom rules, educational posters and student reports on explorers or
rain forests."

Somebody pass me an inhaler.

Let's Play Hardball

"Senate Republicans plan a blitz to confirm President Bush's stalled
judicial nominations soon after returning from break next week.  Though
their first priority will be passing Mr. Bush's $87 billion request for
occupying and rebuilding Iraq, top Republicans said the blocked judges will
be next on the agenda. Their plans include forcing around-the-clock debate
on filibustered nominees, introducing a change in Senate rules that would
bar filibusters against judicial nominees and creating a 'judges week,'
during which all other legislative issues would be pushed aside to make way
for debate on the nominees. . . . Democrats said they've heard rumblings
about Republican plans but remain committed to blocking the nominees."

- Washington Times, 10/12/03

Enough Is Enough

"We've been very patient in the face of filibusters against the president's
(judicial) nominees, but we won't be for much longer.  Much of their
obstruction has been limited to committee rooms and unspoken threats. If
they want to continue dancing to the tune of special interests, they're
going to have to do it live on C-SPAN."

- Don Stewart, spokesman for Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican and member
of the judiciary committee, Washington Times, 10/12/03

Time to Buck Up the Troops

It appears pressure from conservative grassroots activists such as
yourselves on Republicans in the Senate to play hardball and break the
Democrats' filibusters of the President's judicial nominees is starting to
have an effect.  Many of you recently contacted your senators asking them to
support using, if need be, the "nuclear option" to clear the judicial
logjam.  Now would be an excellent time to follow-up with yet another
encouraging note or phone call to buck up our troops on the eve of this
incredibly important battle.  For a list of phone numbers and email
addresses for Republican senators who need to hear from you, just click on
the "Brushfire Alert" page at

Words Come Back to Bite Limbaugh

"'Let's all admit something.' Rush Limbaugh was on his usual tear.  'There's
nothing good about drug use,' he was saying. 'We know it. It destroys
individuals. It destroys families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use,
some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling
drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs.  And the laws are good
because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which
become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing
drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they
ought to be sent up.'

"...When you have a talk-radio show 15 hours a week, you have an awful lot
of air to fill. On this particular day, which was Oct. 5, 1995, Rush was
roaring about the scourge of illegal drug use.  Even though blacks and
whites break the drug laws in roughly equal percentages, he noted, black
druggies go to prison far more often than white druggies do. But to the
liberal-bashing host, this was no reason to ease up on blacks.

"'What this says to me,' he told his listeners that day, 'is that too many
whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with
drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff.
The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail
because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The
answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict
them and send them up the river, too.' "

- Ellis Henican,, 10/2/03

Dawn of a New GOP Era?

"I think, five years from now, you're going to look back and you're going to
see this (California recall) election as a turning point where the
Republican Party was taken over by Arnold Schwarzenegger, John McCain and
Rudy Giuliani - an independent, more centrist Republican Party, that I may
not agree with 100 percent.  (Schwarzenegger) has his own power base, [and]
the Republican Party needs him more than he needs the Republican Party."

- Former Rep. Joe Scarborough, Florida Republican, Washington Times,

I'll Pass Along Your Concerns Right Here

"Do you have Eric Dondero's email? I'd like to give him a piece of my
'religious right mind.' Hundreds of thousands, if not a million, Christian
conservatives voted for Arnold (Schwarzenegger in the California recall
election), including my husband and myself. Most of our like-minded friends
did the same, a few did not. I don't think he would have won without us."

- News & Views reader Barb Barrick of Santa Clarita, CA

A Theocracy, If You Can Keep It

"I'm gonna put this bluntly: The Bible says homosexual acts are to be
punished by death. Further it not only authorizes but insists governments
exercise God's justice on earth; that is a principal role of government in
God's eyes as it is that all power comes from Him as do all rights.

"Finally, our outward form of government while being that of a Republic,
does not diminish the fact that the whole universe is under a Theocracy with
not any man as its head; but with God himself as the theocratic head of all
governments. God (Jesus Christ) is the King of Kings, whether we accept it
or not and whether we believe it or not.  Homosexual acts were at one time a
capital offense in this and other countries and needs to be again."

- News & Views reader "Taliban" Mike Girard

Who Are the Liberals?

"They are the homosexual activists, the teachers' unions, the pro-abortion
fanatics, the Hollywood elites, the radical feminists, the burned-out hippie
peaceniks, the socialists posing as college professors and journalists, the
gun grabbers, the environmentalist granolas, the animal rights extremists,
the tax and spend junkies, the vegetarian lesbian atheists, the government
bureaucrats, the ACLU lawyers, and the racial agitators like Jesse Jackson
and Al Sharpton."

- Vernon Robinson, GOP candidate for North Carolina's 5th congressional

NEW Muth's Truths:  Just Say No to FMA

Top ten reasons conservatives should oppose the federal marriage amendment.
Read all about it in the latest edition of "Muth's Truths" at

Major League Butt Covering

The principal at the Texas high school which called the cops on a student
who let another student suffering from an asthma attack borrow his inhaler,
has sent an "canned" email response to many of us who took the time to write
him.  Talk about CYA "spin."

Principal Poole doesn't exactly deny the story, but instead says it was
based on "erroneous information" and blames the Internet...even though all
the Internet did was spread the story, which was originally reported by
local media, worldwide.  This was no "urban legend" on web.  Nice try,
though, Dr. Poole.

The principal's full response/explanation is less than honest, at best.

Yes, as he contends, it's apparently true the girl originally went to the
nurse for a headache.  But it was in the nurse's office where she suffered
the asthma attack.  Funny how the principal neglects to acknowledge the
attack, regardless of where it took place.  And as for his contention that
no one was in a "life-threatening situation," the girl who had the attack
said plainly and simply, and maintains to this day, that the boy who let her
borrow his inhaler "saved her life."  That's good enough for me.

In addition, contrary to Principal Poole's contention otherwise, the boy WAS
expelled...but was allowed to return...which resurrects memories of Bill
Clinton's "what the definition of is is" defense.

I've read two versions regarding the "expulsion":  One that the kid could
return as early as next week (the principal's version) and two, that he
could return after Christmas.  Either way, regardless of how you parse it or
what you call it, the kid was kicked out of school for a specific period of
time for letting a classmate suffering an asthma attack borrow his inhaler.
That fact is indisputable.

Next, no one...certainly not I...said the boy was still "in jail."  However,
it is a fact that he was indeed arrested and did in fact face jail time in
"juvy" had the state decided to pursue legal action in the matter (which,
fortunately, it did not).

And as for the bureaucrat's chest-beating that the school in question has
produced "three National Merit Scholars last year," so what?  What's that
have to do with busting a 15-year-old kid for sharing an inhaler with a
classmate suffering an asthma attack?  Maybe those Merit Scholars can
explain to Principal Poole how sharing a prescription inhaler isn't the same
as selling heroin, crack cocaine or even pot.  Duh.

Look, these people got caught with their pants down and are now trying to
cover their butts.  I don't blame them...but neither will I assist them.
These zero tolerance policies are actually zero THINKING policies.  Their
purpose is to remove common sense and accountability from bureaucratic
automatons.  And while others might buy into Poole's butt-covering BS
explanation, I ain't falling for it.

What I WILL do, however, is offer to interview him on "Always Right" and see
how he holds up under direct and challenging questioning as opposed to
merely issuing a pre-written canned response.  What say you, Doctor?

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
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