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More "Erroneous" Information?

"Caney Creek High School of Conroe, Texas, has decided to expel 15-year-old
Brandon Kivi because he let his girlfriend, Andra Ferguson, use his asthma
inhaler when she had an attack after forgetting to bring her inhaler to
school. Although the two teens both use the same prescription medicine, the
school deemed Kivi's actions a violation of its zero-tolerance antidrug
policy.  'On Friday, school officials decided to expel Kivi but not press
criminal charges,' reports Houston's KPRC-TV. Says Kivi: 'I'm happy.
Everything's final. I'm expelled till after Christmas and I can come back
after Christmas, but I won't.' He and Ferguson are both leaving Caney Creek
High to be home-schooled."

- James Taranto,, 10/14/03

Miller Time

"While performing at a benefit concert in Las Vegas, Elton John let loose
with an Al Franken-like attack against Dennis Miller.  Prior to John's
performance, Miller served the crowd a special heaping of his ultra-hip wry
commentary. In between the humor, Miller urged that we do some drilling in
ANWR to lessen our dependence on oil imports.  After singing 'Tiny Dancer,'
John blamed the comedian-turned-Fox News commentator for the disdain that
Kofi & company have toward the U.S.  'Americans are always asking why the
rest of the world hates them,' the wildly bespectacled entertainer
explained. 'Well, the reason is Dennis Miller.'"

- James Hirsen's, Left Coast Report, 10/14/03

This Is A "Miserable Failure"?

Miserable failure.  That's the term Dick Gephardt used to describe President
Bush's foreign policy efforts in the Middle East.  Well, here's another
example of just how failed those policies have been: Saudi Arabia, an
absolute monarchy, just announced it will hold its FIRST EVER democratic
elections one year from now.  If that's the definition of failure, I wish
ever more failures in that part of the world.

It's Official

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) officially announced his campaign for the
Democrat presidential nomination on Monday, saying, "I'm running for
president of the United States to enable the armies of peace."  Armies of
peace.  Isn't that an oxymoron?  Or is Denny just a plain, old-fashioned
moron without the oxy?

Joining the Pack

Australian legislator Harry Quick intends to turn his back on George W. Bush
during the President's address to the Australian parliament next week.  "I'm
showing no disrespect to the position of the U.S. president," Quick told the
Australian Broadcasting Corp.  "What I'm showing is disrespect for the man
himself and what he represents for many of us in the peace movement."

Democrats immediately added Quick to their field of presidential candidates,
though some pundits think Quick's really just angling for the #2 spot on
Dennis Kucinich's ticket...or is a stalking horse for George McGovern.

Must Not See, Gore TV

"Al Gore and some liberal investors are "about two weeks away" from striking
a deal to acquire Newsworld International, a cable network they plan to
remake into a liberal news channel. But AdAge reports they're hoping to
avoid the 'liberal' label (just like every other liberal news channel).
'Instead, it will be aimed at the under-25 crowd,' AdAge reports. An unnamed
adviser characterizes it as a combination between liberal news channel CNN
and liberal music channel MTV."

- Best of the Web, 10/14/03

And the Lesson Is.

"If there is any national political lesson out of California, it is that
Democrats are delusional if they think they can win by moving left in order
to mobilize and turn out their liberal base. This is precisely the strategy
that Gray Davis tried in a desperate attempt to save his governorship, and
it managed to sew up all of 45 percent of the electorate. . . . Only a
tremendous degree of wishful thinking in the press could spin these results
as nationwide anti-incumbent sentiment rather than see them for what they
are: an utter repudiation of liberal governance."

- Greg Pierce's Inside Politics, 10/14/03

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Here Piggy, Piggy, Piggy, Piggy

"Conventional wisdom, as promoted by most in the media, says it will be
virtually impossible for governor-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger to fix
California's huge deficit. The implication is that every dollar spent is
essential and cutting any of it will result in death and destruction. Not

"Citizens Against Government Waste (, in association with the
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation, has produced the '2003 California Piglet
Book,' which details billions of dollars in misspent funds, the elimination
of which - along with an improving economy - could wipe out the state's
deficit, reform government and put California back in the black."

- Columnist Cal Thomas

Wasn't This Guy Supposed to Leave the Country?

"(Actor) Alec Baldwin recently dropped by Texas to attend a fundraiser for
congressional Democrats. He ungraciously brought some crass partisan
theatrics along with him.  Holding up a box of dog biscuits, Baldwin had
this to say about Texas Governor Rick Perry: 'I wanted to give this to Tom
DeLay's lap dog, Rick Perry.'"

- James Hirsen's, Left Coast Report, 10/14/03

"Taliban" Mike Gives Christians a Black Eye

"Dear Mr. Muth:  I hope that you will add other Christian perspectives on
homosexuality to your excellent newsletter, in light of 'Taliban' Mike
Girard's comments, which you published on 10/13.  I am a practicing
Christian, and a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). You would
find precious little support in our pews for the capital punishment of
homosexuals, or indeed any 'punishment' whatsoever.

"Jesus called sinners back to him in a spirit of love and mercy.  It seems,
however, that Mr. Girard would have us stone to death at least some of those
to whom Christ specifically ministered.  On behalf of millions of Christians
I do implore you not to let Mr. Girard's words go unanswered.  His view
represents a VERY small minority of Christians, and we get enough
unjustified flack for being racists and bigots, without someone like Girard
acting as our self-appointed standard-bearer."

- News & Views reader Daniel Horace Fernald, Ph.D., Milledgeville, Georgia

Our Way or the Highway

In a recent email highlighted in DC Confidential, Eric Dondero, founder of
the libertarian-leaning Republican Liberty Caucus, asked why social
conservatives often fail to support moderate GOP candidates.  We received
the following response from News & Views reader Scott Bryce:

"Because, we are not Republicans first. We are social conservatives first. .
. . If the Republicans can't come up with socially conservative candidates,
then they shouldn't expect support from people whose political views are not
represented by Republican candidates. . . . I'm not a Republican. I'm not a
Libertarian. I am a social conservative. . . . If you want my vote, then run
a socially conservative candidate. If you stop supporting us then yes, we'll
jump ship. . . . Good luck winning elections without us!"

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
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Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
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opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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