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Happy's All Around

A very sincere "Happy Birthday" to the Marine Corps (128th, I think) as well
as a Happy Veteran's Day for all branches of our nation's military.


I half-listened to Harry Reid (D-Nevada) complaining endlessly from the
Senate floor on Monday about the upcoming 30-hour marathon to expose the
Democrats' obstruction of judicial nominees.  He droned on and on and on and
on and on...and on and on and on and on...and on and on about all the
 "other" matters that were supposedly more important than the four (and
counting) judicial nominations which have been blocked by the minority's
unconstitutional filibusters.

And you know what?  He has a point.

There ARE a lot of other critical matters the Senate can and should be
addressing.  Not necessarily the liberal issues Reid whined about, but
certainly very important ones.  We could start with getting to the bottom of
that leaked memo revealing how the Democrats were going to use the
Intelligence Committee as a political weapon against the White House in next
year's election.  Or how the Army is hanging a lieutenant colonel out to dry
for using reasonable tactics to gain information which saved the lives of GI
's fighting in Iraq.

And did we ever get to the bottom of how those missing Rose Law Firm billing
records magically re-appeared in the White House a couple years back?  (I
know, I know.  Move on.)

So yes, maybe those 30 hours which are being set aside to talk about the
judicial filibusters would be better spent talking about other issues.

And there's a quick and easy way to "move on" to those other important

Democrats could just STOP unconstitutionally filibustering the President's
judicial nominees and give 'em a straight up-or-down vote on the Senate

It's just that simple.

Your Front Row e-Seat at the Justice for Judges Marathon!

One thing I learned a long time ago as a GOP county chairman in Las Vegas is
that the best way to handle a critic is to put 'em in charge of the thing
they're criticizing.

For the last couple of months, we - meaning you and I - have been rather
critical of Senate Republicans and their failure to play hardball with the
Democrats over these judicial filibusters.  I think we may have called 'em
things like "wimps" and threatened to withhold financial support if they
didn't find their backbones and take off the gloves.

Well they did...and they're gonna.

So you can guess what happened next, right?


At a briefing in the Capitol last Friday, Citizen Outreach was asked to
manage and oversee the "web room" during the marathon debate on the
Democrats' judicial filibusters scheduled for later this week.

So when Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist takes to the floor Wednesday
evening to launch the 30-hour "Justice for Judges" marathon, Citizen
Outreach will be squirreled away in "Internet Alley" in the Capitol managing
the official website for this historic marathon effort.

You can take a look at it by going to:

In addition to serving as a kinda clearinghouse portal where you'll find
links to news stories on the marathon (already up), press conference
schedules, live online chats, breaking news and links to leading
conservative organizations working on this issue, we'll also be conducting
regular "live" webcast interviews with leaders of the effort, compliments of
the good folks at Radio Free Republic who host our weekly "Always Right"
talk show.

This is a very BIG deal for us and I'm excited about our being such a
significant part in this extremely important fight.  Breaking this
unconstitutional obstruction and ending this "tyranny of the minority" is
critical for the long-term good of our country (unless you LIKE judicial
decisions saying the "Pledge of Allegiance" is unconstitutional in public

And you all are gonna have a front-row e-seat at it!

While there are a LOT of other organizations and individuals who have been
around in this town a LOT longer than we have, Citizen Outreach will be
runnin' the e-show at ground zero because you all took such an active role
in letting our leaders know how angry and frustrated we were with what the
minority was getting away with...especially after we lost Miguel Estrada.

You spoke.  They heard.

Anyway, there's a TON of stuff for me to do getting this whole thing ready
and organized (not to mention resting up a bit before embarking on this
30-hour marathon all-nighter), so please pardon me if I don't put out a
regular version of News & Views for the next couple of days.

Also, I could sure use a little emergency financial help for this project.
The government and the Senate cannot, and are not, contributing ONE PENNY to
this effort to bring the Justice for Judges marathon to the Internet
community.  It's not that they don't WANT to; the law simply won't let them.

So we have some expenses for this and several other projects we'd love to
undertake...IF we had the money.  So if you can make an extra-special
super-duper contribution to this "Justice for Judges" project, it would be
tremendously helpful.

$100, $50, $25, $10 or whatever you can kick in will be used, as always, in
the most effective, responsible and productive manner possible.  And by
popular demand, we can now accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express or
Discover through our new account with PayPal.  Just go to:

Or if you prefer to mail a check or a money order or a suitcase filled with
cash, send it to:

Citizen Outreach
611 E. Pennsylvania Ave., SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003

Danke shoen and buckle up.  The Democrats are howling mad and there ought to
be a lot of fireworks starting Wednesday night...if not sooner!


P.S. Please check our Justice for Judges online polling question and weigh
in before we officially announce this site to the media Tuesday afternoon.

Campaign War College:  Basic Training

By the way, details on our one-day-only, 12-hour Campaign Boot Camp in Las
Vegas on November 29th can be found by clicking the "Campaign War College"
button at

Whose Mailbox Is It Anyway

Did you know that if a car or bad weather knocks over or damages your
mailbox, YOU are the one who has to pay to replace or repair it?  The post
office figures it's YOUR mailbox.  However, if you decide you want to allow
the FedEx man to leave a letter or package in "your" mailbox, he CAN'T?  In
fact, if you want your next door neighbor to leave a recipe for chicken
dumplings in your mailbox while you're at work, they can't.

See, the postal service enjoys a monopoly on access to "your" mailbox.
Nobody but the mailman can put anything in "your" mailbox EVEN if you want
to let them.  Do you think it's time to end this mailbox monopoly and let
you, the owner of the mailbox, decide who can and cannot put stuff in it?
This is a timely question, as the Senate is presently considering
recommendations issued by the President's Commission on Postal Reform.  So
cast your ballot today by clicking on the "Survey Says!" button at

How to Subscribe

Chuck Muth's News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a
member-supported 501(c)3 non-profit corp. If you enjoy News & Views, please
make a tax-deductible contribution to support our work:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those
of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or

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