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Slicing & Dicing

"Aloha All:  Tonight I canceled our subscription to 'Showtime.'  The fact
that they would air, 'The Reagans,' was bad enough, but, to put it after,
'We Were Soldiers,' showed they had no respect for either the US Military or
President Reagan.  I can only hope that they pay a high subscription price
for their bias.  God Bless America and the free world military.  Mele Ka
Like Makaha."

- News & Views reader John Burt

Risky Business

"Chuck:  I received a Christmas card yesterday from our President and the
First Lady.  On a whim, I turned the card over and read that it was paid for
by the RNC and produced by.....yes, it was HALLMARK.  Just great, the money
I give to the RNC goes to HALLMARK, who uses it to produce shows that smear
President Reagan.  I think I'll be sending an email to the RNC very soon."

- Christy Schroeder, San Jose, CA. [ Editor's Note:  The address to access
the e-mail form to contact the RNC can be found at: ]

So Much for Reagan's 80 Percent Rule

"If you can't stand up for what is right or wrong 'queer, homosexual
marriages,' absolutely shows me where you are in this issue.  So take me OFF
YOUR EMAIL mailings because you are a lilly livered spineless, wimp."

- Former News & Views reader Gary White

Run Hillary, Run

The Democrats are generally NOT happy with ANY of the announced candidates
for president next year, fueling speculation that Hillary Clinton could ride
in at the convention next year to save their bacon.  Her undercutting of the
presidential wannabes recently in Iowa as well as her Thanksgiving trip to
Afghanistan and Iraq do nothing to squelch the speculation of a 2004 run for
the gold.  Do you think Hillary will find a way to get into the presidential
campaign this election cycle or do you believe her when she says she will
not be a candidate in 2004?  Cast your ballot today by clicking on the
"Survey Says!" button at

How to Subscribe

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those
of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or

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