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"Separation of Extremists and Religion In America"

(SPECIAL NOTE:  Congratulations to our military for bagging Saddam!)

Is there no room for moderation and reason in this country when it comes to
religion any longer?

In Bakersfield, CA, the local YMCA recently sent fliers promoting an
upcoming basketball camp home with students.  No biggie.  The Y's been
sending fliers like this home with students for years.

No mas.  At least, not in Bakersfield.

Some egg-headed, numb-skull school district lawyer ruled the Y could no
longer include its mission statement - "To put Christian principles into
practice through programs that build spirit, mind and body for all" - on
such fliers.  Promotion of religion. Separation of church and state.  Blah,
blah, blah.  Same ol' song and dance.

This is ridiculous.  The fliers promoted a BASKETBALL CAMP, not religion,
for crying out loud.

OK, let's swing east to North Carolina where, according to, "A
guidance counselor at Concord High School was suspended Wednesday for
answering a student's question about homosexuality."

"Beth Pinto said she was suspended with pay" after "students asked her what
the Bible's position was on homosexuality and she quoted a verse," said the
report.  "School leaders say that's against the state's position on the
separation between church and state."

Seems to me there's a big difference between advocating or promoting
religion and honestly answering a student's legitimate question.  Um, isn't
that the role of an educator in the first place?

Which brings us to Christmas.

That's right, Christmas.  Not the "holiday season."  Not the "winter
 recess."  Christmas.  Good grief, Charlie Brown.

In Tacoma, WA, an elementary school music teacher changed the lyrics of a
classic song at a holiday concert from "The harsh wind blows down from the
mountains, and blows a Christmas to me" to "blows a white winter to me."

I'm surprised Jesse Jackson and the NAACP haven't filed an objection to the
change yet, but that's another story for another day.

And don't even get me started about the Christmas tree.

It's bad enough that seasonal nativity scenes representing Christ's birth
are banned from public display during, um, CHRISTmas...but decorated trees?
What kind of imbeciles come up with kooky ideas like this?

Now it's no secret that I'm a supporter of the principle of REASONBLE
separation of church and state; a position not specifically spelled out in
the Constitution but certainly embraced by no less than Thomas Jefferson his
own self.  Neither TJ nor I think mixing the two too closely is good for
either.  We are, after all, a constitutional republic, not a theocracy.

I believe, therefore, that ex-judge Roy Moore went too far in using his
government position to promote a religious doctrine in a government building
with his 2 1/2 ton Ten Commandments shrine down in Alabama.  HOWEVER, I also
believe that efforts to erase even a HINT of religion from the public square
are equally extreme and patently absurd.

There is and should be a reasonable line of separation between church and
state.  But you've got the ACLU trying to draw the line on the far left and
Roy Moore trying to draw it on the far right. What we need is to find a
"reasonable man" standard to resolve these issues in a...duh...reasonable

I'd be happy to volunteer for the job if it would mean we could put these
silly little battles behind us and focus on, oh, I don't know, how about
shrinking the size and cost of government while killing terrorists before
they kill us.

At least, that seems reasonable to me.

# # #

Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public policy
advocacy organization in Washington, D.C.  The views expressed are his own
and do not necessarily reflect the views of Citizen Outreach.  He may be
reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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