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Goodbye & Good Riddance

"The terrorism alert is at Code Orange, a new infestation of bedbugs has
swallowed Manhattan and is believed headed south, Paris Hilton is still
employed, and Howard Dean is about to be the Democratic nominee for
president.  Begone, wicked and malevolent 2003, and good riddance."

- Wesley Pruden, "Pruden On Politics," 12/30/03

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War Powers

"The key fact is not that Jose Padilla is a U.S. citizen. It is that Mr.
Padilla, a.k.a. Abdullah al-Muhajir, was an al Qaeda agent who worked
directly with terrorist mastermind Abu Zubaydah to plan a dirty bomb attack
on a major American city. He was captured in Chicago-O'Hare airport on his
way back from Pakistan to scout potential targets. He was, in short, an
active enemy fighter making war on the U.S. and its citizens, just as the 19
hijackers who attacked New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania were.

"A person making war on the U.S. who seeks to slaughter thousands of our
citizens in the streets of our cities must face our military, not our
judges. Such a person, U.S. citizen or not, is not a common criminal. He is
an avowed enemy of our system of laws and government and a mortal threat to
our way of life. The powers implicated are not the president's law
enforcement powers but his war powers. "

- "Rule of Law," Wall Street Journal, 12/29/03

Backsliding Dean

"After building a campaign on the anger of the Democratic electorate, the
former Vermont governor can now be called 'Backsliding Dean.' He leaps
forward with a bold statement aimed at pleasing his core supporters, but
ultimately is forced to slide back because of the ludicrousness of his

- Wall Street Journal columnist Brendan Miniter

Wahhhh!  They're Being Mean to Me!

"Howard Dean has enjoyed being his party's front-runner with the national
exposure that comes with it, but now he is crying foul after being attacked
by his Democrat rivals and wants his party to step in and make the other
campaigns stop.  While campaigning in Iowa on Sunday, Dean (D-VT) suggested
that he has a lock on his party's nomination and that Democrat National
Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe should step in and stop the attacks he is
receiving from his rivals before young voters turn away from politics in

- Talon News, 12/30/03

Lost Their Minds

"Has the left lost its mind to vote for this waffler and crybaby?"

- Bob Kunst, president of a "draft Hillary" website, on the prospect of
Howard Dean being the Democrat presidential nominee in 2004

Can You Smell What the Rove...Is...Cooking?

"Throughout this year, Howard Dean has repeatedly attacked other Democratic
candidates. But when recently challenged on his own policies, misstatements
and retractions, Dean responded by complaining to the party chairman that
we're being mean to him.  I've got news for Howard Dean: the primaries are a
warm up compared to what George Bush and Karl Rove have waiting for the
Democratic nominee. If Howard Dean can't stand the heat in the Democratic
kitchen, he's going to melt in a minute once the Republicans start going
after him.' "

- Democrat presidential candidate Joe Lieberman

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TSA Keeping Skies Safe for Terrorists

"The Homeland Security Department announced yesterday that it will require
armed air marshals on selected foreign flights entering U.S. airspace. It's
a welcome move. But all the 'chatter' indicating al Qaeda's continued
interest in aviation targets suggests the government still hasn't done
enough to protect our airspace.

"Start with the domestic air marshal program, which covers only a tiny
fraction of flights. Meanwhile, Homeland Security's misnamed Transportation
Security Administration has only grudgingly been executing the obvious
alternative of having all willing pilots protect their aircraft with
firearms. . . . Unfortunately, Congress left the TSA with way too much
discretion in implementing the program, and the bureaucrats have done
everything within their power to discourage pilots from signing up."

- "Review & Outlook," Wall Street Journal, 12/30/03

Bite Me

"So much for once bitten, twice shy.  The Bush White House floated an
amnesty proposal for illegal immigrants in the summer of 2001, roiling its
political base among conservatives and getting nowhere before the September
11, 2001, attacks buried the idea.  Now the White House is back, considering
another amnesty proposal likely only to produce the same results. . . . May
Mr. Bush be twice bitten, and the harder the better."

- Columnist Rich Lowry

States Going in Right Direction, Feds Wrong

"Cash-strapped state governments have slashed funding for theaters, museums
and performance groups by nearly one quarter, while federal spending on the
arts has edged up slightly.  Congress increased funding for the National
Endowment for the Arts to $122.5 million, up from $115.7 million, for the
fiscal year that began Oct. 1.  At the same time, however, state arts
spending plummeted from $354.5 million to $272.4 million, a drop of 23

- Associated Press, 12/29/03

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Rumblings on the Right Grow

"President Bush is beginning to anger certain hard-line conservatives,
particularly over fiscal issues, the way his father did in the year before
he lost to Bill Clinton in 1992. . . . 'I'm hearing a lot of anger,' says
Richard Viguerie, the guru of conservative political direct mail. 'I'm
beginning, for the first time, [to hear] people talk about 'it would not be
the worst thing in the world if Howard Dean were president,' because the
size of government would stay still rather than increase 50 percent under a
second Bush administration.' "

- Washington Times, 12/30/03

Hey, Big Spender

"President Bush is an active war leader, which gives him a measure of
immunity from conservative defections.  But his spending is making his
father look like Barry Goldwater, and my view is that domestic social
spending is exploding. He's not vetoed a single bill."

- Former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, Washington Times, 12/30/03

Tax Cuts Not Enough

"My best gauge maybe is the position of Bush the younger at this stage is
better than Bush the elder, but not by much.  He has done the right thing on
taxes, but on so much else, he has not."

- John Berthoud, president of the National Taxpayers Union, Washington
Times, 12/30/03

Something to Chew On

"No one claims smokeless tobacco is completely safe, but it is indisputably
safer than cigarettes - by a very wide margin. Obscuring this fact, as the
public health establishment routinely does, leaves smokers with the
impression that they have nothing to gain by switching to snuff, when the
truth is they can dramatically reduce their risks, as University of Alabama
oral pathologist Brad Rodu has been pointing out for years. . . . Nicotine
does not cause lung cancer or other respiratory illnesses. . . . Like
chewing nicotine gum or wearing a nicotine patch, using smokeless tobacco
does not involve inhaling combustion products, the main source of
smoking-related hazards."

- Columnist Jacob Sullum

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*  Gay Marriage
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Chuck Muth's News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those
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