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Friday, January 10, 2004                                                      "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."






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The left-wingers over at MoveOn.org have a big, five-year head start on us here at Citizen Outreach - not to mention a huge bank account from folks like George Soros - but we’re in the game now and catching up.  Think “tortoise and hare.”  Anyway, an article by the Sacramento News & Views on MoveOn includes a reference to our efforts here on the “right” side of cyber-space.  Read it HERE


“The unemployment rate fell to 5.7% in December, its lowest level in 14 months.”

- Wall Street Journal, 1/9/04


“When they were fund-raising, the Democratic candidates for president all claimed to be Jewish. Now that they are headed for Super Tuesday down South, they've become Jesus freaks.”

- Columnist Ann Coulter


“Richard Gephardt's campaign manager Steve Murphy has accused the Dean campaign yesterday of planning to sneak non-Iowans into the January 19th Iowa caucuses to pose as state residents and vote for Dean. I guess the Democrats have to practice for the November election somehow.”

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz, 1/9/04


“Bill and Hillary Clinton will likely endorse Gen. Wesley Clark for president in February if he looks like he has a good chance of defeating Howard Dean, MSNBC's Chris Matthews said Wednesday.  ‘I think Clark is counting on Clinton sending some sort of endorsement to him if he does well in the early going and looks like he might beat Dean, the ‘Hardball’ host told radioman Don Imus.  ‘At the critical moment - maybe in the Michigan primary next month, if [the Clark campaign is] doing well and they've got a shot of knocking off Dean - that's when the cavalry attacks. And that's Bill and Hillary.’  Michigan's Democratic presidential primary is Feb. 7.”

- NewsMax.com, 1/8/04


“The Democratic Party is dead, presidential candidate Rev. Al Sharpton said Thursday. And it's Bill Clinton's fault. Launching into a tirade against Democratic centrists during an interview on Washington, D.C. TV station WJLA, Sharpton complained that it's been all downhill for Democrats since Clinton took over 10 years ago. ‘Bill Clinton won, the party didn't,’ railed the radical reverend. . . . ‘We didn't regain the Congress in 1998. . . . In 2000 we lost it all. In 2002 we were demolished, we were demolished. We lost everything as a party.’  Sharpton said Democrats certainly couldn't do any worse if they nominated him for president, since the party seems to be flatlining already.”

- NewsMax.com, 1/9/04


*  Congressional Pay Raise
*  Compassionate Conservatism
*  Gay Marriage
*  Illegal Immigration
*  The Patriot Act

Weigh in. Share your opinion.  Comment.  Inter-activate.  Just click HERE to join the online discussion.


“Immigration laws are on the books to protect Americans. We can only ‘come to grips’ with illegal immigration by enforcing them.”

- Columnist Diana West


“(Mexico President) Vicente Fox is desperate for a place to dump several million more of his countrymen, and George W.'s amnesty looks cooked to order.  Under George W.'s amnesty scheme, 8 million (or maybe it's as many as 14 million) illegal immigrants, most of them from Mexico, will get to jump ahead of everyone who was silly enough to line up according to the law to seek permanent residence in the United States. . . . Promises to enforce the law from now on ("this time we really mean it"), like the notion that this is the final amnesty, invite hoots of knowing laughter.”

- Wesley Pruden, “Pruden On Politics,” 1/9/04


“We’re going for more.  We’re going for more.”

- Mexico President Vicente Fox saying he wasn’t entirely satisfied with President Bush’s new “amnesty” program for illegal Mexican aliens in the U.S.


“Analysts call the Bush immigration plan a political move calculated to win Hispanic votes for the president come November, a risky strategy at best. Worth noting is a study released by the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates tighter immigration controls, which argues that the nearly 7 million illegal aliens counted in the 2000 Census cost the GOP at least nine House seats during the 2000 redistricting process.”

- Columnist Diana West


“Hundreds of Mexican citizens suspected of committing violent crimes in the United States have escaped justice by slipping across America's porous southern border into Mexico, which refuses to extradite suspects facing the death penalty or life imprisonment.  Authorities have identified more than a dozen cases in which illegal aliens were accused of injuring or killing a U.S. law-enforcement officer but are believed to have fled to Mexico.”

- Washington Times, 1/9/04


“President Bush yesterday announced that he will propose increasing federal education funding by more than $2 billion next year for disadvantaged and disabled children.  In his second initiative of the new year directed at minorities, the president said the additional funds will be used to continue the progress made under the No Child Left Behind Act, which Mr. Bush signed into law two years ago yesterday.”

- Washington Times, 1/9/04


“The city Thursday agreed to pay nearly $1 million to settle a lawsuit with the American Civil Liberties Union over land in two public parks the city leases to the Boy Scouts for free or a nominal charge.  San Diego will pay the group $950,000 in court costs and attorney's fees and will ask a federal judge to void the lease the Scouts have held in Balboa Park for nearly a half-century.

“City officials said they were cutting their losses with the settlement, which leaves the Boy Scouts on their own in the lawsuit. The ACLU contends the Scouts should be evicted from the parks because the organization discriminates on the grounds of sexual orientation and religion. . . . The Boy Scouts said they will continue to fight. But the group added in a statement that they were ‘staggered by the amount of the settlement, which provides funding to the ACLU lawyers to continue their attack on the Boy Scouts.’ "

- Associated Press, 1/8/04


“ ’Cable TV made a West Bend man addicted to TV, caused his wife to be overweight and his kids to be lazy, he says.’ This according to an article in yesterday's Reporter of Fond du Lac, Wis. He's threatening to sue the cable company: ‘Timothy Dumouchel of West Bend wants $5,000 or three computers, and a lifetime supply of free Internet service from Charter Communications’--presumably so he can get addicted to the Web and file his next lawsuit.”

- James Taranto’s “Best of the Web, 1//8/04


Are efforts to amend the Constitution pro-marriage or anti-gay?  Are they intended to handcuff judges or handcuff the next generation of Americans?  Are amendment supporters thumbing their nose at Founding Father Tom Paine (“Common Sense”) and attempting to govern from the grave?  Read this week’s “Muth’s Truths”


“An American Family Association poll on gay marriage has backfired on its anti-gay sponsor as gays and their allies are apparently flooding the organization’s Web site to participate.  Americans favor same-sex marriage by an almost two-to-one margin, according to the unlikely results of the ongoing poll.  The poll showed nearly 60 percent favored gay marriage. Another 32 percent opposed gay marriage and civil unions. About 8 percent favored civil unions carrying ‘the full benefits of marriage’ except for the name.  The poll includes votes from about 800,000 participants as of Thursday, according to the AFA Web site.”

- Dallas Voice, 1/9/04

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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