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January 19, 2004

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Which is the more frightening “Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue” - Howard Dean winning the presidency in 2004 or Hillary Clinton winning it in 2008? 

Cast your ballot today by clicking on the “Survey Says!” button at www.citizenoutreach.com



CPAC is the oldest, biggest and best conservative political action conference on this planet, the moon or even Mars. And it starts this Thursday just outside Washington, DC.  Conservative leaders of every stripe - economic, libertarian, social and even a few “moderates” - will be there.

And so will we.

Right Talk - the folks who produce Citizen Outreach’s weekly “Always Right” interviews on the web - has made arrangements to webcast CPAC for the first time in its history.  So even if you can’t be there in person, you’ll now be able to e-join your fellow conservatives, thanks to this crazy thingy called the Internet that Al Gore invented.

I’ll be anchoring the coverage along with fellow Right Talk hosts Kay Daly, Jeff Gannon and Tim Ziegler. 

You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a conservative big shot at CPAC - and we’ll have many of them join us for our broadcast.  You WON’T want to miss a minute of it!  So stay tuned for additional details and information on how you can listen in.  In the meantime, take a look at the star-studded, action-packed program for this year’s conference by going to:  www.cpac.org


This CPAC gig is exactly the sort of thing we’re proud to be able to bring you via Citizen Outreach.  However, you know the old saying: “You can’t save the world if you can’t pay the rent.”

Unlike activist groups on the left, we get no taxpayer money to fund our operations and don't have any “sugar daddies” such as George Soros pouring millions into our operation.  We rely on voluntary contributions from readers such as yourself to continue publishing News & Views every day...along with all the other programs and projects of Citizen Outreach.  So if you haven’t chipped in yet for our Winter Fundraising Drive, please go to www.citizenoutreach.com for a very special bonus offer.

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Why are so many conservatives up in arms and in open revolt over the President’s illegal alien amnesty proposal?  Find out in this week’s “Muth’s Truths.”


Tune in Tuesday night at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for “Always Right with Chuck Muth.”   Our special guest this week will be Tom Schatz of Citizens Against Government Waste (www.cagw.org).  For the full re-broadcast schedule, click HERE

To listen in at airtime, click HERE


“The President rose to power almost obsessed with right-wing ideology. He didn’t reveal much during the campaign. Mostly generic stuff. But once in office, he operated with a single-minded drive to eliminate his nation’s most dangerous enemy. An enemy that had, over the years, systematically tortured its own people, conducted mass genocide, attacked neighbors, and threatened the world. He discovered few nations cared to help, and supposed allies actually stood in the way, in some cases having made alliances with this enemy.

“The President’s critics, domestic and foreign, claimed he was obsessed with war, looking for a fight, and gave big tax breaks to his rich friends. They called him stupid, slow, inattentive, unorganized. And a cowboy.

“By the time Ronald Reagan had finished his second term, the Soviet Union was all but defeated, dozens of nations were free from communist rule, and the economy was roaring, creating massive government revenues.”

- Tom Adkins, “The Common Conservative,” 1/16/04


“Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill reminds me of a disgruntled former employee who returns to his old workplace and starts shooting to avenge his perceived mistreatment.”

- Columnist Cal Thomas


“Here's Williams' roadmap out of poverty: Complete high school; get a job, any kind of a job; get married before having children; and be a law-abiding citizen. Among both black and white Americans so described, the poverty rate is in the single digits.”

- Columnist Walter Williams


Portland (Ore.) Police Chief Derrick Foxworth is getting tough.  According to the Washington Times, there were “20 murders, 354 rapes, 1,294 robberies and 2,844 cases of aggravated assault” in Portland in 2002.  But there have also been 63 complaints about cops using profanity (gasp!).  So naturally, the chief is cracking down.  On the cops.  Can’t have dirtballs and sleazebags being talked to in their own language now, can we?  Why, somebody’s feelings might get hurt!

So Foxworth has decreed that obscenities by our men in blue will henceforth only be tolerated in “very limited” and “exceptional” circumstances. 

Oh, how very lovely. 

Should a flat-foot find the need to extend an expletive to a gun-wielding perp, even if justified under the new rules, he or she will still have to write a report explaining why it was %$&*! necessary.  Cops who receive too many complaints for violating the new profanity ban will be subject to disciplinary action.

Is this really the kind of public menace Chief Foxworth should be devoting his time and attention to?  Don’t tell me.  Tell it to the chief:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The 2004 Southern Republican Leadership Conference will be held at the Fontainbleu Hilton in Miami Beach April 15-18.  Get more details by visiting: http://www.srlc.org/


You can’t change public policy if you don’t change public officials.  So Citizen Outreach has set up a new website dedicated to helping under-funded, underdog campaigns...especially at the state and local levels.  Visit today...and make sure you sign up for the FREE email newsletter on how to get more votes, more money and more volunteers for your campaign or grassroots organization.  Go to:  www.campaigndoctor.com


State of the Union Address :  The good, the bad and the ugly.  At the very least, the state of the union address will include calls to make tax cuts permanent, continue the war on terror and loosen immigration laws.  What’s your opinion on the state of affairs here in the United States this presidential election year?  What would you like to see the President and Congress do this year?  What would you like to see them NOT do?

Democrat Primary :  Is Howie Dean still the inevitable nominee?  Or will Gen. Clark take the hill?  Or will Dicky Gephardt’s union-backing muscle his way to the top?  Will the French-looking Johnny Kerry ride his Vietnam experience to the head of the pack?  Does Joey Lieberman have a snowball’s chance in Hades? And what about the ghost of Clintons past lurking in the shadows?  Can any of these dwarfs bushwhack the Prez next November?

Omnibus Spending Bill :  It’s huge.  And it’s loaded with Grade-A pork.  The omnibus spending bill awaits the return of Congress (fresh off that automatic pay raise they got on January 1).  Should the Senate kill it and freeze spending at current levels?  Or if the Senate passes this turkey, should the president ax it by wielding his veto pen for the first time in his administration?  Or should Congress just pass it and hope to bring spending under control after this year’s elections when Republicans might have a bigger majority in Congress?

Bush & His Base :  Campaign finance reform.  Prescription drug benefit.  Amnesty for illegal aliens.  Spending deficits through the roof.  The conservative base of the party is none too happy with the White House these days.  But are they unhappy enough to stay home next November and risk turning the keys to the Oval Office over to one of the donkey-dwarfs?  Where else do they have to go?  What can a principled conservative do to free himself from between this rock and hard place?

Immigration Nation :  The President has proposed a plan for addressing the illegal immigration problem in the United States today.  Many conservatives have been rightly critical of the amnesty-by-another-name proposal.  But we DO have an immigration problem and it DOES have to be addressed. 

What are your ideas for fixing it?  How do you stop the influx of illegal aliens?  What do you do with the 8-14 million illegal aliens already in this country?  It’s easy for us to sit in the peanut gallery and take pot-shots at the President’s proposal...but what’s the alternative? 

Let us know.  We’ll take some of your best ideas from the Discussion Board, compile ‘em into a report and submit it to the White House for further consideration.  So please give this subject some serious consideration.

Weigh in. Share your opinion.  Comment.  Inter-activate.  Just go to:  http://blog.chuckmuth.com/blog/


Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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