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Some observations and reflections on last night's State of the Union

*  It was worth the price of admission just to see ol' Ted Kennedy shaking
his head "no," rubbing his jowl and smirking when the President spoke about
prescription drugs and weapons of mass destruction.  What a dinosaur.

*  Despite other serious differences conservative may be having with this
president on other issues these days, there should be no doubt in anyone's
mind that we are a safer and stronger nation with him and Dick Cheney in the
White House than we were when Bill Clinton and Al Gore were there...or would
be with Howard Dean or John Kerry or Hillary Clinton or any of the other
donkey-dwarfs seeking the Oval Office.  Except maybe Joe Lieberman.

*  Best line of the evening:  "America will never seek a permission slip to
defend the security of our people."  Take THAT Howard Dean and Wesley Clark!

*  Judging from the reception it received during SOTU, the President is
going to have a VERY tough time getting the Patriot Act renewed.

*  Make tax cuts permanent.  Make tax cuts permanent.  Make tax cuts

*  The President mentioned, not once, but twice, the terrible toll junk and
frivolous lawsuits are having on our economy and on health care, calling for
reform legislation.

*  On the other hand, he didn't mention the filibusters a half-dozen of his
judicial nominees still face in the Senate.  Recess appointing Pickering
last week was good, but it would have been nice to see the President put
this critical issue on his list of priorities for the coming year by
discussing it with the American people in the SOTU.  I mean, for crying out
loud, if steroid use made the list, you'd think something as important as
judicial nominations would.

*  You just had to love the dagger aimed directly at Hillary's cold heart
when the president said, in no uncertain terms, that a government-run health
care system was the "wrong prescription."

*  As expected, the biggest disappointment of the speech was in the area of
restraining government.  There will be no veto of the pork-laden omnibus
spending bill.  And again, the President called on Congress to only limit
the growth of discretionary spending to under 4 percent and cutting the
deficit in half over five years.

*  No mention of freezing spending, rolling back spending or even cutting
older or non-essential programs in order to fund new or more important ones.
For example, the President called for doubling the budget for the National
Endowment of Democracy to help in the war on terror, but didn't suggest that
maybe, in order to fund some of it, we eliminate, say, the National
Endowment for the Arts.

*  The President finally and forcefully threatened, in no uncertain terms,
to use his veto pen.  Unfortunately, it was to threaten Congress to veto any
attempt to roll-back or repeal the largest expansion of government since LBJ
's Great Society days, the prescription drug bill.

*  It's a shame that, considering how the president failed to scold the
Senate for holding up his judicial appointments, he devoted so much time
talking about judges and gay marriage.  He warned activist judges to cool
their heels on this issue or he would favor some kind of constitutional
marriage amendment (though not necessarily the one presently being
considered).  This statement, designed to further clarify and solidify the
President's position on this issue, only raised yet another question:  What
if a state legislature or ballot initiative approves gay marriage in a
particular state rather than a court?  Would the President be OK with gay
marriages under those circumstance and oppose a federal constitutional
marriage amendment banning them?

*  As for the Democrat response: Good grief.  Nancy Pelosi came off looking
like a complete boob.  Despite what appears to have been an extreme physical
make-over - maybe even by those queer-eyes-for-straight-guys guys - Pelosi
is a walking liberal cliché in drag.  And what was up with those
deer-in-the-headlights eyes?  It looked like they were propped open with
invisible toothpicks.

*  As for Tommy Daschle, well...he still seems "saddened, saddened."  What a
lame-o.  If this is the best the Democrats can come up for leaders in the
Congress, no wonder the best they can come up with for presidential
candidates is an off-his-rocker doctor, a French-looking dude (who, by the
way, served in Vietnam), a fired general, a trial lawyer, a peacenik, a
race-baiter and she-who-shall-not-be-named (yet).  Oh, and Joe Lieberman.

*  Finally, my favorite line of the entire evening.  In giving that
10-year-old girl her good-citizen marching orders, the President suggested
something which every darned one of us should take to heart: When you see a
man or woman in uniform, say "thank you."  So for those of you in uniform
who subscribe to News & Views, including those of you who somehow get this
in Iraq and Afghanistan:  THANK YOU!


In case you missed hearing Howard Dean go nuts, yelping out what can only be
described as some kind of primitive professional wrestling scream, click
HERE (http://www.drudgereport.com/dean.mp3) for a real hoot.  This guy is
either on drugs (maybe steroids?)...or desperately needs some!


We only have about 20 "Liberty Calendars" left, so if you haven't kicked in
for our Winter Fundraising Drive yet in order to get your copy of this very
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CPAC is the grand-daddy of all conservative political action conferences on
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"live" for the entire three days, beginning on Thursday at 10:30 a.m. (EST).
For additional details or to listen in, go to www.rightalk.com

For additional information on CPAC and to see the line-up of conservative
super-stars who will be speaking this year, go to: www.cpac.org

In addition, we'll have a special up-to-the minute play-by-play News & Views
"blog" running throughout the conference.  You'll be able to access it at:


State of the Union Address
Democrat Primary
Omnibus Spending Bill
Bush & His Base
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Is the "Mean Dean Presidential Machine now dead after his embarrassing Iowa
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ballot today by clicking on the "Survey Says!" button at


Why are conservatives so ticked off at the President's amnesty...er,
"temporary worker" program?  Find out in this week's "Muth's Truths" at


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Chuck Muth's News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan,
501(c)3 non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck
Muth's News & Views reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists
therein and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its
officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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