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February 12, 2004

This is a SPECIAL EDITION of "DC Confidential."

And as the following fast-breaking matter is REALLY important to all
conservatives, I'm sharing this one with the entire "News & Views" list
rather than just Goldwater Club members.

If you'd like to receive future editions of DC Confidential (usually
published weekly on Sunday mornings), just make a contribution of $5 or more
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There is a real "inside baseball" firestorm brewing in the halls of the
Capitol.  Tensions are high.  Nerves are raw.  You probably aren't hearing
much about it outside the Beltway, but the spit is really hitting the spam
here on the inside.

Manny Miranda - that now-former staffer from Senate Majority Leader Bill
Frist's office who was hung out to dry over those 14 leaked memos showing
Democrat collusion with left-wing special interest groups to block President
Bush's judicial nominees - isn't just going quietly into the night.  Miranda
is letting everyone know there were hundreds, if not thousands, of memos
which may prove even more embarrassing to the Democrats than the original
dozen-plus.  Maybe even criminal.

Those memos are stored on a computer hard-drive which was confiscated by the
Senate sergeant at arms, William Pickle, who was tasked with investigating
the memo leak.  Miranda thinks everyone should see them. To that end, he
filed an official ethics complaint this week requesting that the impounded
files be made public.  Here's the letter...

*** QUOTE ***

Robert Walker
Chief Counsel
United States Senate Ethics Committee
Hart Office Building
Washington, D.C.

Re: Evidence of Public Corruption

Dear Mr. Walker:

With this letter I hereby inform the Ethics Committee, pursuant to Clause 9
of the Code of Ethics for Government Service, that I have read documents
evidencing public corruption by elected officials and staff of the United
States Senate.

Specifically, in addition to the 14 documents published in the Wall Street
Journal on November 14, 2003 and now posted at www.fairjudiciary.com, I have
knowledge of other still unpublished documents that evidence a violation of
the public trust in the judicial confirmation process on the part of
Democrat senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee.  This includes evidence
of the direct influencing of the Senate's advice and consent role by the
promise of campaign funding and election support in the last mid-term

The proof of my Clause 9 disclosure is currently held and preserved by the
Sergeant at Arms in a hard drive belonging to the young Hatch staffer who
discovered a glitch in the Judiciary Committee's shared server that allowed
these documents to be read. This hard drive was seized over two months ago
in the course of the current Democrat memos investigation.

Please let me know if this letter suffices to bring this matter forward.

Very truly yours,
Manuel Miranda

*** UNQUOTE ***

Hoo-hah!  Sounds like the Sergeant at Arms is sitting on a boatload of
smoking guns.  Sure hope they don't "disappear" the same way as Hillary's
Rose Law Firm billing records.  Remember, it's not paranoia when they really
ARE out to get you.  Suffice it to say, a growing number of conservatives
fear that Sergeant of Arms William Pickle might destroy the incriminating
memos before they ever have a chance to see the light of day.

Oh, did I mention that Pickle was a big Al Gore supporter from Tennessee?  I
'm told he used to work on Gore's Secret Service detail.  No partisan bias
there, huh?

Anyway, conservatives are frantically mobilizing to assure preservation of
the memos which, to the best of anyone's knowledge, can be found ONLY on the
hard drive of the computer currently locked away in Pickle's safe-keeping.
To that end, the following coalition letter by a number of conservative
organizations - which Citizen Outreach quickly signed onto - has been sent
in an effort to protect and preserve the files...

*** QUOTE ***

Mr. Noel Hillman
Chief, Public Integrity Section
Criminal Division
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20531-0001

10 February 2004

Dear Mr. Hillman:

In a recent complaint addressed to the U.S. Senate Ethics Committee, Mr.
Manuel Miranda, former Majority Counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary
Committee and General Counsel to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, apprised
Committee Chief Counsel Robert Walker of the following revelation: "I have
read documents evidencing public corruption by elected officials and staff
of the United States Senate. . . .  This includes evidence of the direct
influencing of the Senate's advice and consent role by the promise of
campaign funding and election support in the last mid-term election. . . .
The proof of my Clause 9 [Code of Ethics for Government Service] disclosure
is currently held and preserved by the Sergeant at Arms in a hard drive
belonging to the young Hatch staffer who discovered a glitch in the
Judiciary Committee's shared server that allowed these documents to be read.
This hard drive was seized over two months ago in the course of the current
Democrat memos investigation."

Miranda has also made this statement in writing: "The ones [memos already]
made public are the least indicting of the documents I came to see."

Upon information and belief, we the undersigned tender the following
allegations in support of our request for an investigation.

The Sergeant at Arms of the United States Senate is in the sole possession
of credible and unambiguous evidence of crimes that fall within the
jurisdiction the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division of the
United States Department of Justice.

These documents are in no way, shape, or form privileged or otherwise
confidential.  Even in the event such a dubious and hollow claim for privacy
is made [either by the custodian or the likely targets of a prospective
criminal investigation], a wealth of case law holds that such a
consideration must necessarily be subordinated to and trumped by their
probative value and relevance to a criminal investigation.

We humbly suggest that agents of the United States Department of Justice
should endeavor to take immediate possession of the aforementioned memoranda
so as to preclude the possibility that [negligent or unscrupulous] employees
of the Office of the Sergeant at Arms do not inadvertently or intentionally
destroy evidence of a crime.

Lest you fear duplication or concurrent jurisdiction between investigative
arms of the executive and legislative branches, please note that the
investigation of the Sergeant at Arms is exclusively focused upon and
limited to the mere propriety of the method of partial disclosure of the
memoranda, not their content.

In short, these memoranda have not yet been examined or scrutinized with an
eye towards ascertaining the applicability of criminal statutes to the
conduct of their authors and recipients.

The Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division of the United States
Department of Justice has both a statutory duty and moral imperative to
probe the relevant criminal misconduct that is manifested by and
memorialized through these memoranda.

Thank you in advance for your immediate attention to this grave matter of
public concern.

*** UNQUOTE ***

The Washington Times wrote about the letter today
(http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040211-102204-9040r.htm).  Not sure
if it's hit the radar screen of anyone else in the "mainstream media,"
though.  Probably not.

While this brouhaha may seem like "inside baseball" to folks outside the
Beltway, it is a HUGE storm inside.  The Democrats are desperately trying to
cover their "donkeys" and do NOT want these memos made public.  They're even
going so far as to compare the incident to Watergate.  However, this
so-called "hacking" into a shared computer system is being described by
insiders as simply "double-clicking on a mouse."  Some "hack."  Apparently
the Democrat geniuses in the Senate never heard of the word "password."

Rest assured, this isn't the last you'll hear about this.  Not only is it a
fight between Democrats and Republicans, it's a GOP intra-party fight led by
conservatives who are royally PO'd at Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch
for pushing the "hacking" investigation forward rather than putting the
Democrat's in the docks for the ethics violations described in the leaked
memos, as well as at Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist for throwing Miranda
overboard and letting the Kennedy/Schumer sharks have at him.

Ding-ding.  The fur is flying!  Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. Get
your tickets.  This is gonna be a show you don't want to miss.  And I'll try
to continue giving you a front-row seat.  Get your peanuts here!

Chuck Muth
Citizen Outreach

Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in DC Confidential reflect those of the writers, editors
and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of
Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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