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February 19-20, 2004

Still trying to get caught up from the technical difficulties experienced
earlier in the week, so here's a double issue for today and yesterday.  We
should be back on our regular publishing schedule by this weekend.  Thanks
for bearing with us.

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"Campus police caught a student wandering around a dorm in blackface,
reports the Daily Orange, the Syracuse University student newspaper. But the
university's director of public safety, Marlene Hall, tells the paper the
suspect offered an excuse: 'The student told officers that the face paint
was camouflage--not blackface--and that he was actually on his way to rob a
house, Hall said.' Only a burglar--what a relief!"

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 2/18/04


In response to a report that former President Bill Clinton was shopping the
notion of Wesley Clark as John Kerry's running mate, Clinton replied, "I
have not taken sides with regard to any of the candidates for president."
Yeah, right.  And he "did not have sex with that woman" either.


"We are not going away."

- Howard Dean announcing his withdrawal from the Democrat presidential
campaign, 2/19/04


"Any Presidential candidate considering Hillary for Veep should remember
just two words:  Vince Foster."

- News & Views reader Joe Kenney of Lander, WY


"You see who is campaigning with John Kerry? Ted Kennedy. Imagine those two
giant heads coming down the street together. They must look like the Macy's
Day Parade."

- Tonight Show host Jay Leno


By the way, has anyone heard if John Kerry has been asked if he intends to
give up his senate seat if he becomes the Democrat presidential nominee the
way Bob Dole did after getting the GOP nod in 1996?


"(I)f you listen to John Kerry, you come away not knowing what to think. He
seems like a man betwixt and between, unable to issue a clear statement
about America's role in the world, and hence floating toward whatever is
expedient at the moment."

- New York Times columnist David Brooks


"Consider the following hypothetical situation. In September 2005, the
president is informed by his CIA director that they have concluded that
there is a one in two chance that North Korea will transfer five nuclear
bombs to Osama bin Laden within the next month, and that, after the
transfer, despite our best efforts, the CIA judges that it is more likely
than not that bin Laden will succeed in detonating at least one of them in a
major American city, resulting in 1 million to 3 million deaths. Should the
president consider taking pre-emptive military action? And let's assume that
the president is named John Kerry."

- Columnist Tony Blankley


John Kerry has been using triple-amputee and former Georgia Sen. Max Cleland
to beat up on President Bush over his National Guard service.  Democrats are
"clearly implying -- without stating -- that Cleland lost his limbs in
combat," writes columnist Ann Coulter.  However, "It is simply a fact that
Max Cleland was not injured by enemy fire in Vietnam. He was not in combat,
he was not -- as (Wall Street Journal columnist) Al Hunt claimed -- on a
reconnaissance mission, and he was not in the battle of Khe Sanh, as many
others have implied. He picked up an American grenade on a routine noncombat
mission and the grenade exploded."

Coulter has really stirred up a hornet's nest (some surprise there, huh?)
with this one.  Get all the details, including the true story behind Max
Cleland's Vietnam War injuries, HERE:


"Politicians like to brag that they are beefing up the economy.  Obviously,
they don't know beef from pork!"

- Zig Zigler


".(President) Bush is rapidly growing the size and reach of the federal
government. . . . Granted, the Democratic Party wants to spend even more. .
. . Yet being slightly less reckless with the taxpayer's money isn't a
responsible strategy for the GOP. . . . A veto of whatever inflated
compromise highway bill comes out of Congress would begin a serious debate
about government spending."

- Former Delaware Gov. Pete du Pont, Wall Street Journal, 2/19/04


"My sermon yesterday on the great jobs debate really rubbed some folks the
wrong way ... especially those who have lost jobs to overseas competition.
The last thing they wanted to hear was that these jobs were not theirs ...
that they belonged to the employer and that the employer could damn well do
what he wanted with them.  Yesterday's email offerings called me everything
... monster, idiot, f***ing moron, nazi, fascist .. you name it.

"OK, whiners.  Let's go to the bottom line here.  So, you don't have a job.
Well, guess what?  MOST Americans DO have jobs.  Most Americans are working,
earning a living, providing for their families, planning for the future,
saving money, putting their children through college, and just generally
living large.  But YOU'RE not.  MOST Americans have jobs.  YOU don't ... and
you can't see that the problem here is YOU?

"Stop whining ... stop demanding the government save you from your own
decisions ... and stop blaming your situation on someone else ... including
the president.  Grow up, suck it up and get out there and fight.  You own
you, nobody else does.  If you own you then you are responsible for you.
Accept the responsibility and knock off the damned whining."

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


"President Bush signed a prescription-drug act two months ago that is
actually hurting his popularity instead of boosting support from the elderly
as intended. . . . Mr. Bush finds himself under fire from two directions on
the health care issue. Democrats say the Medicare plan doesn't do enough to
defray prescription expenses for retirees, and Republican critics call the
drug benefit an unprincipled bid to buy votes in November."

- Ralph Hallow, Washington Times, 2/18/04


Experts from the U.S. FDA and from Canada will outline the economic and
policy impact of imposing price controls on prescription drugs at a National
Press Club forum in Washington on February 24 from noon to 2 p.m. (lunch
provided). They will discuss why importing drugs from other countries puts
patients at risk, and elected officials will explain why price controls and
importation create more problems than they solve.  For more information or
to RSVP, call Sonia Hoffman at (703) 912-5742.


Postmaster General John Potter sat down for an extensive interview with DM
News to discuss the recommendations of the President's Postal Reform
Commission last year.  "I think the postal service needs legislative
 reform," said Potter.  "The fact of the matter is we are competing with the
Internet when it comes to bills and payments and other traditional
First-Class correspondence."

Sounds good so far.  Just about all of us recognize that in this Internet
age, it's natural that some significant reform is called for by this
government-controlled monopoly.  But it's the kind of "reform" that Potter
is advocating that ought to concern us.

One such reform includes raising "prices on products that don't have a big
margin today to get more margin out of them."  Uh-oh.  In addition, Potter
doesn't want to "change benefits" which might stir up the postal unions.  So
"reform" in Potter's mind is raising prices without cutting labor costs.
Sounds like a typical government plan to us.  (You can read the full
interview on the "News" page at www.postalreform.com)


"As the long-simmering issue of postal reform heats...corporations that rely
on the postal service...are watching warily and are also trooping to the
Hill to testify.  'There is now an unimpeachable consensus that, without
reform, the Postal Service and all the businesses that rely on it are going
to be put in great peril,' says Gene A. Del Polito, president of the
Association for Postal Commerce...

"Why the consensus? The Postal Service, which employs 729,000 and has annual
revenue of $69 billion, has had a rough go of it lately. A recent report
from the General Accounting Office noted that for fiscal 2003, total mail
volume declined for the third year in a row, while first-class mail volume
dropped 3.2%. The latter, which covers two-thirds of the Postal Service's
costs, is projected to further decline in coming years."

- Forbes.com, 2/18/04


"I am totally illegal," declared unemployed 25-year-old illegal alien Zayd
Torres who lives in Montgomery County, Maryland, and who participated with
about 100 others in a protest at the capital in Annapolis over a series of
bills which have been introduced to crack down on illegal aliens.  Delegates
Pat McDonough and Rick Impallaria have introduced five bills focusing on the
problems of illegal aliens in the state, including a requirement that local
police arrest illegal aliens and turn them over to federal authorities.

According to the Washington Times, "Most of the protesters" who showed up
opposing the bills "spoke only in Spanish."  Wow, there's a sure-fire way to
win over English-speaking citizens to their cause, huh?


"Yes, America is a nation of immigrants, but blurring the distinction
between those who came here legally and those who scoff at our laws is a
serious error. Millions of newcomers who have played by the rules have
earned our support and our respect; those who ignore or violate the rules
deserve neither.

"We agree wholeheartedly with...support for policies designed to speed the
assimilation of new arrivals. Ours is not a nation built on ethnic or
religious homogeneity, but on shared ideals and a common language.  We agree
fully with President Reagan's famous metaphor of the 'shining city on a
hill.' It is a magnificent vision that reaffirms deep American values. Yet
(people) should read Ronald Reagan's words more carefully. He said that 'the
doors' of this city must remain open. He did not say that people are welcome
to bypass the doors and climb the walls."

- Statement by Rep. Tom Tancredo, Michael Reagan, Bay Buchanan, Victor Davis
Hanson, David Keene, Michelle Malkin, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, Phyllis
Schlafly and Paul Weyrich, Wall Street Journal, 2/17/04


"Here is your concrete proof that this threat (that conservatives might stay
home in November) is real. I am currently not planning to vote for a
Democrat (duh!), but I am not going to vote for Bush either.  I choose to
abstain.  The Republican revolution died in Congress years ago, but Bush has
shoveled the last bit of dirt on top of it. He proposes more spending than
even Clinton could have wanted, he won't hold the GOP Senators accountable
for not passing his judicial nominations even when we have the majority and
he is willing to overlook the rule of law regarding illegal immigrants to
pander to Hispanics. This isn't a Republican of principles.

"A non-vote means a vote for Kerry? So be it. The GOP will still control
Congress and I'd prefer any sort of gridlock with Congress compared to this
ridiculous state of affairs when we control both Houses of Congress and the
White House."

- Greg Muth, the editor's younger brother


"Dear Chuck:  I received another fund raising call from the RNC asking for
my support.  I told them that I would not give them another red cent as long
as Bush supported amnesty for illegals and continues to expand socialistic
programs like Medicare.  I got part the way through my 'speech' and THEY
HUNG UP ON ME!!!!!!  The nerve....they called me, and didn't even want to
hear what I had to say........go figure.  I bet they're getting a lot of
angry responses to their fundraising calls."

- Betty Male, Export, PA


Quick, down-and-dirty "how to" reports on specific aspects of political
campaigns and grassroots organizations.  Written primarily for beginners
with little or no experience, but certainly chocked full of tidbits and hot
tips to benefit even the most seasoned political pro.  Generally 8-16 pages
of A-Z, step-by-step instructions to gain more votes, more money and more
volunteers for your political activities and/or campaign.

Don't expect fancy packaging with a lot of bells and whistles.  Just solid,
up-to-date, easy-to-understand  how-to information you can put to use
IMMEDIATELY.  Nobody provides better, more useful, practical information as
quickly and inexpensively as these babies.  Stock up.  Build a library.
Heck, become a bona fide political guru yourself!  Go to
http://chuckmuth.com/specialreports.htm to check out our ever-growing
library of winning publications!


The issue that just won't go away; however, I know many of you just don't
want to hear about it.  If so, stop reading now.  The remainder of this
edition of News & Views covers recent developments on the gay marriage


At a press conference on Wednesday, President Bush said, "Marriage ought to
be defined by the people not by the courts."  Fine.  Now.

What if the PEOPLE of a given state, through their elected legislature or
ballot referendum rather than a court, decide that they DO want to recognize
gay marriages?  Would the president respect and support that decision by the
PEOPLE of that particular state?  If so, then how can he support a federal
marriage amendment which would take that decision AWAY from the people of a
given state?  Hmmmm.


"Last year, President Bush indicated he would support a constitutional
amendment banning same-sex marriage only 'if necessary.'  It's not
necessary, but Mr. Bush is now set to support one.  It's dismal, divisive
politics. . . . The Massachusetts decision does not force Mr. Bush's hand.
A long legal process will unfold once homosexual from around the country
begin marrying in the Bay State and seek to have their unions validated at
home.  There will be state court contests, state Supreme Court rulings and,
eventually, a test of whether the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
trumps or is trumped by the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the
Constitution. . . . A ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court would be years away -
probably after Mr. Bush has completed a second term - if he wins one."

- Columnist Morton Kondrake


"A curious thing happens when talking to younger conservatives about gay
marriage. While many of them think same-sex marriage is in some ways an
incoherent notion, I haven't come across any who think that gay marriage
will not at some point be permitted. What's more, many of them are not
particularly distraught at the prospect."

- Columnist Nick Schultz, TechCentralStation, 2/20/04


"The simplest solution to the controversy over gay marriage, and the one
most respectful to this country's tradition of separating church and state,
would be to institute civil unions for everyone, in place of marriage.
Marriage is, as its traditionalist defenders say, a 'sacred' institution.
But for that reason it should be protected by churches, synagogues and
mosques, and not by the state.

"...It is hard to avoid the impression that the politicians and activists
who make such a fuss about the 'threat' of same-sex marriage are in fact
playing to bigotry, hoping to make gains from a widespread irrational
dislike of a small population.  It is especially hard to avoid this
impression because, if people are really worried about the decay of
heterosexual marriage, there is a much more serious threat they could be
taking up: adultery, which also happens to be condemned by our traditions
and history at least as strongly as homosexuality is.

"Politicians serious about protecting heterosexual marriage should seek to
bring back that prohibition and include it in the definition of marriage
they want to enshrine in their 'defense of marriage' legislation.  They
won't touch the adultery issue, however, because a large number of their
constituents, not to mention a large number of them, have committed adultery
and don't want to be rebuked or penalized for it. But that simply shows how
much the campaign against same-sex marriage is based on irrational hatred,
not on deeply held moral or religious beliefs."

- Associate professor Sam Fleishacker, San Francisco Chronicle, 2/18/04


"If (gay marriage amendments) were really about protecting marriage, they
would be proposing a resolution not to recognize weddings performed at Las
Vegas wedding chapels for people who've had just a bit too much to drink.
Can we all agree that Britney Spears did more to undermine the institution
of marriage in the 55 hours between when she said 'I do' and 'I don't,' than
any gay or lesbian couple?"

- Rev. Gene Robinson, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop


"...The astonishing thing that opponents of gay marriage might keep in mind
is that during the 1,000 gay I-do's in San Francisco, the world has not
ended. It hasn't even changed much. It's the same dangerous place it was
last Wednesday morning and all the mornings before that. . . . The republic
remains intact as well. There have been no reports of battalions of high
school kids storming out of class demanding to sign up as gay men or
lesbians, no reports of people being dragged off the streets and being sold
into homosexual slavery. The situation in Iraq remains about the same as it
was before last week. The Democratic candidates for president continue to
pound one another. There will be an election in November. The sun will rise

- Columnist Jeffrey Page


"Mayor Daley said Wednesday he would have 'no problem' with County Clerk
David Orr issuing marriage licenses to gay couples -- and Orr said he's open
to a San Francisco-style protest if a consensus can be built.  'They're your
doctors, your lawyers, your journalists, your politicians,' the mayor said.
'They're someone's son or daughter. They're someone's mother or father. . .
. I've seen people of the same sex adopt children, have families. [They're]
great parents.  Some people have a difference of opinion -- that only a man
and a woman can get married. But in the long run, we have to understand what
they're saying. They love each other just as much as anyone else.''

"A devout Catholic, Daley scoffed at the suggestion that gay marriage would
somehow undermine the institution of marriage between a man and a woman.
'Marriage has been undermined by divorce, so don't tell me about marriage.
You're not going to lecture me about marriage. People should look at their
own life and look in their own mirror. Marriage has been undermined for a
number of years if you look at the facts and figures on it. Don't blame the
gay and lesbian, transgender and transsexual community. Please don't blame
them for it,' he said.

- Chicago Sun-Times, 2/19/04


"The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is certainly constitutional, and
amending the Constitution unnecessarily is a bad idea.  But I grant that
some federal judge might disagree with me and set off a national panic
before being clobbered by the U.S. Supreme Court.  So if the problem is the
worry that federal judges will impose Massachusetts's gay marriages on the
entire country, the way to take care of that would be to constitutionalize

"The sample wording I give in my book is:  'Nothing in this Constitution
requires any state or the federal government to recognize anything other
than the union of one man and one woman as a marriage.'

"That's an ironclad guarantee that the states and federal government can all
go their own ways, without any national court mandate.  This is consistent
with federalist principles. It's consistent with three centuries of marriage
being in the states' purview. It keeps overweening federal judges out of the
picture. (Activist state judges are the states' business, so long as no
state can impose its own decision on others.) It prevents the polarization
and culture war that nationalizing this debate will spark. It would be a
cinch to enact, at least compared with the Federal Marriage Amendment
sponsored by Musgrave et al. And it's in tune with what a majority of
Americans are telling the pollsters -- namely, that this issue should be
left to the states."

- Author/columnist Jonathan Rauch, TechCentralStation, 2/20/04

Chuck Muth's News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan,
501(c)3 non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck
Muth's News & Views reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists
therein and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its
officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
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