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March 13, 2004

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Q: “Do you support a constitutional amendment to prohibit gay marriage?”

A:  “I certainly understand that something needs to be done to stop mayors and judges 
and others who are disregarding the law. But I think the procedure to correct these 
problems lies within the Constitution itself, which doesn't need to be amended.  You 
cannot correct every moral deficit created by the courts by constitutional amendment. 
If we make a constitutional amendment that says marriage is between a man and a woman, 
what stops a court from saying that means a man can marry his sister, thereby making 
incest legal? The problem is the courts.”

- Former Alabama Judge Roy Moore in a New York Times interview, 3/7/04 


“You don't need to read the latest report on higher and higher rates of 
life-threatening obesity to know that this country has a problem. . . . So what's to 
be done collectively?  I have an idea: nothing. If people want to eat themselves into 
misery and early death, it really isn't anyone else's business.”

- Columnist Andrew Sullivan


“Minnesota is asking federal permission to bar people from using food stamps to buy 
candy bars, soda and other junk food,” reports the Associated Press.  How long do you 
think it will take for a lawyer to file a lawsuit to prevent the government from 
preventing food stamp recipients from buying junk food which could put a dent in the 
number of people they could possibly recruit for a class-action lawsuit against junk 
food manufacturers?


“It turns out the four members of Congress that (accused spy Susan Lindauer) worked 
for were all Democrats.  She worked for some of them for a short time, and one says 
she doesn't remember her. Fine. But it's interesting how the media is not really 
reporting that she only worked for Democrats. The AP story initially reported that 
they were only ‘members of Congress.’  The party affiliation of those members wasn't 

“There is, though, one newspaper out there (that) will name names, and that is The 
Atlanta Journal-Constitution.  In today's AJC you'll see a headline which reads 
‘Accused Spy is Cousin of Bush Staffer.’  Here we have someone who has worked for four 
congressional Democrats .. and ONLY congressional Democrats ... and our local leftist 
rag identifies her as the cousin of a Bush staffer.  Anyone who doesn't believe the 
media is biased needs their head examined.”

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz, 3/12/04


“Although ‘new job creation is lagging badly’ for the moment, (Federal Reserve 
Chairman Alan Greenspan) said, the best way for Congress to help Americans get and 
keep good-paying jobs is to improve their math and technical skills so companies won’t 
be tempted to outsource to better-trained workers in China and India. . . . Congress 
needs to promote both the teaching of basics such as arithmetic, geometry and 
calculus, Mr. Greenspan said, as well as the abstract reasoning that workers will need 
to survive in a highly competitive job market.”

- Washington Times, 3/12/04


Quick, down-and-dirty "how to" reports on specific aspects of political campaigns and 
grassroots organizations.  Written primarily for beginners with little or no 
experience, but certainly chocked full of tidbits and hot tips to benefit even the 
most seasoned political pro.  Generally 8-16 pages of A-Z, step-by-step instructions 
to gain more votes, more money and more volunteers for your political activities 
and/or campaign.  Don't expect fancy packaging with a lot of bells and whistles.  Just 
solid, up-to-date how-to information you can put to use IMMEDIATELY.  Go to 
http://chuckmuth.com/specialreports.htm to check out our ever-growing library of 
winning publications!


“Mr. Bush has shown that, unlike Bill Clinton, Al Gore or John Kerry, he is willing to 
take the battle to the enemy on the basis of military necessity, not temporize on the 
basis of legalistic whim or fatuous reliance on the United Nations.

“For eight years, Mr. Clinton made no effective effort to counter numerous terrorist 
strikes against American lives and property, both here and abroad, or to rally the 
people to the danger at hand. Osama bin Laden has even intimated that September 11 was 
a direct result of Mr. Clinton's lackadaisical stewardship of the nation's security.

“...If the Democrats persuade the public to adopt their priorities instead of Mr. 
Bush's, we will again test the truth of the adage that God takes care of fools, 
drunkards and the United States.”

- Columnists William & Nancy Goldcamp


>From News & Views reader Peggy Thomas:

*** QUOTE ***

57-- The number of varieties from Heinz
57-- The number of overseas plants of Heinz
57-- The number of stances John “Mr. Heinz” Kerry assumes on every issue

Am I the only one who has noticed?

*** UNQUOTE ***

Not anymore, Peggy.


“Sen. John Kerry refuses to provide any information to support his assertion earlier 
this week that he has met with foreign leaders who beseeched him to prevail over 
President Bush in November's election. . . . Republicans have begun calling Mr. Kerry 
the ‘international man of mystery,’ and said his statements go even beyond those of 
former Vice President Al Gore, who was besieged by stories that he lied or exaggerated 
throughout the 2000 presidential campaign.”

- Washington Times, 3/12/04


“(A) few of (John) Kerry's mysterious ‘foreign leaders’ were outed this week... The 
first was Kim Jong Il, the North Korean dictator who boasts a coiffure not unlike 
Kerry's own and has rebroadcast Kerry's speeches on state-run radio across his 
Communist paradise. Another dictator, ousted Haitian President Jean Bertrand-Aristide 
(who Kerry said he would have kept in power) made his endorsement public. 
Additionally, there were accolades from terrorist Yasser Arafat, whom Kerry referred 
to as a ‘statesman’ and ‘role model’ in his 1997 book, The New War. Furthermore, to 
make the list of dictator endorsements (ousted and otherwise) complete, we expect 
Kerry to get the nod from Martha Stewart and Michael Eisner any day now. Saddam 
Hussein, meanwhile, was unavailable for comment.”

- The Federalist, 3/12/04


“Al Hubbard appeared with (John) Kerry in 1971 on NBC's ‘Meet the Press,’ was 
introduced as a former decorated Air Force captain who had spent two years in Vietnam 
and was wounded in the process. In reality, Mr. Hubbard had lied about his military 
rank and other issues, as later investigations revealed. . . . CBS News reporter 
William Overend, a writer for the network's anchorman Walter Cronkite in 1971, 
investigated Mr. Hubbard's war claims and discovered that there was no record of Mr. 
Hubbard having ever served in Vietnam. In addition, Mr. Hubbard was not shot down as 
he said and did not receive a Purple Heart for injuries suffered during battle.”

- Greg Pierce’s “Inside Politics,” 3/12/04


“Of course, in the end, like a good liberal Democrat, Howard Dean went back on 
everything he said about John Kerry during the campaign and came calling at the Kerry 
headquarters to embrace the front-runner and ‘work closely with John Kerry to make 
sure we beat George Bush in November and turn our country around.’ . . . How 
interesting that in just a few short weeks, Howard Dean has now flip-flopped on the 
flip-flopper.  Poor Deaniacs...they thought their guy was not like the others. . . . 
Looks like the Deanie babies were all taken for a ride.  Oh well...there's always 
Ralph Nader.”

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


For those of you who may have missed Sophocles in your publik skool education, or just 
found all that Greek a bit difficult to understand, here’s a simpler explanation of 
the tragedy of Oedipus - a king who unknowingly married his own mother and later 
gouged his eyes out when he discovered what he’d done - courtesy of the late great 
1960s comic songwriter Tom Lehrer:

>From the Bible to the popular song,
There's one theme that we find right along.
Of all ideals they hail as good,
The most sublime is Motherhood.

There was a man, oh, who it seems,
Once carried this ideal to extremes.
He loved his mother and she loved him,
And yet his story is rather grim.

There once lived a man named Oedipus Rex.
You may have heard about his odd complex.
His name appears in Freud's index
'Cause he loved his mother.

His rivals used to say quite a bit,
That as a monarch he was most unfit.
But still in all they had to admit
That he loved his mother.

Yes he loved his mother like no other.
His daughter was his sister and his son was his brother.
One thing on which you can depend is,
He sure knew who a boy's best friend is!

When he found what he had done,
He tore his eyes out one by one.
A tragic end to a loyal son
Who loved his mother.

So be sweet and kind to Mother,
Now and then have a chat.
Buy her candy or some flowers or a brand new hat.
But maybe you had better let it go at that!

Or you may find yourself with a quite complex complex,
And you may end up like Oedipus.
I'd rather marry a duck-billed platypus,
Than end up like old Oedipus Rex. 

*** UNQUOTE ***

Now, if you’re not familiar Tom Lehrer, you miss part of the fun because you don’t 
know the tune which goes with the lyrics.  On the other hand, if you DO know Tom 
Lehrer, here’s a link to all the lyrics of all his old politically incorrect songs, 
including: National Brotherhood Week, New Math, Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, So Long 
Mom, The Masochism Tango and every altar boy’s favorite, The Vatican Rag.


Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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