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April 28, 2004

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Sen. Arlen Specter defeated Rep. Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania’s nationally watched GOP 
primary race for the state’s U.S. Senate seat yesterday.  

If conservatives can’t even defeat a liberal Republican in a Republican primary in a 
state with two Republican senators which went for the Republican candidate for 
president in 2000, what does that say about their ability to move conservative 
legislation through Congress, confirm conservative judicial nominees or defeat liberal 
Democrats in the general election?  Yes, the reports that Toomey’s campaign and 
message were terribly flawed are true...but this choice for Republicans was still a 
no-brainer despite those problems. This race was billed nationally as THE fight for 
the soul of the Republican Party.  And conservatives lost.  

The only silver lining I can find is that Toomey was out-spoken in his support for the 
Federal Marriage Amendment and Specter was against it.  Let this serve as a wake-up 
call to those who think the marriage amendment is the silver-bullet which will elect 
Republicans in November.  Obviously, it’s no such thing.  So can we just drop this 
issue and get back to taxes, spending, big-brother government and killing terrorists?


Seems most folks on the Discussion Board would prefer that former New York Mayor Rudy 
Giuliani focus on taking out Hillary Rodham from the Senate in 2006 than spinning his 
wheels at the United Nations.  But an interesting alternative has emerged to fill the 
UN ambassadorship vacancy: former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.  Interesting…

If you haven’t weighed in on this subject yet, surf on over to our Discussion Board 
at:  http://blog.chuckmuth.com/blog/


James Taranto of “Best of the Web” included a sampling of postings, headlined “Dumb 
Jock Killed in Afghanistan,” from a left-wing Internet site hosted by the Portland 
Independent Media Center over the death of football player turned Army Ranger Pat 

WARNING: Take your blood pressure medicine before reading this garbage:

* * * QUOTE * * * 

- "Tillman chose to go to Afghanistan. He's partially reponsible for the deaths of 
hundreds, maybe thousands of Afghan civilians. No need to feel sorry for him, other 
than feeling bad that he was brainwashed into serving as a grunt."

- "it's amazing the kind of attention this insignificant incident is going to cause. 
well, he was rich, white, and an american. 10,000 (brown) iraqis get killed, and it 
barely merits a mention in the american news. how utterly f---ing sad."

- "To be honest I wish I could feel sorry for the guy, but the truth is I really feel 
nothing at all. To many have died and too much money has flowed into the pockets of 
Dick Cheney to even worry about it."

- "if he 'sacrificed' anything it was his common sense. He had a good American thing 
going and blew it."

* * * UNQUOTE * * * 

Would it be wrong to question the patriotism of these jerks?  Just checking.


“Unlike many who are driven to succeed in public life by a core belief system, the arc 
of Kerry's political career is defined by a restless search for the issues, 
individuals and causes to fulfill a nearly lifelong ambition' for the White House."

- Washington Post columnist David Broder


“Maybe next time, (John Kerry will) narrow it down for us a little more.  Maybe the 
name of the restaurant.  Maybe the leader.”

- Vice President Dick Cheney ridiculing John Kerry’s latest explanation about his 
endorsements by foreign leaders; that he bumped into them while dining in New York 


“I don’t think it’s bothersome to people that John Kerry thinks he’s very smart. 
That’s fine.  I think what’s bothersome is he thinks the rest of us are stupid.”

- RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie


“When confronted with irrefutable contradictory evidence that he lied about throwing 
away his medals, John Kerry has responded not with an explanation, but with the charge 
that the evil Republicans are attacking him.  Poor baby...don't have the facts on your 
side?  Then just throw a temper tantrum start screaming about how it's not fair.”

- Talk show host Neal Boortz, 4/27/04


“If I had a dollar for every story John Kerry changed, I’d be a rich man, too.  
Blaming ‘vast right-wing conspiracies’ for his own whoppers is not going to cut it.”

- Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Texas)


Stung by the fact that John Kerry’s Vietnam service isn’t helping as much as his 
post-Vietnam service is hurting, the Democrat attack machine has cranked up to smear 
Vice President Dick Cheney.  The Thunder Road Group, a band of political mercenaries 
affiliated with America Coming Together - one of those Democrat “527” organizations - 
is charging that Mrs. Cheney got pregnant in order for Mr. Cheney to receive a draft 
deferment and avoid service in Vietnam.  “It looks as if a little bit more went into 
the Cheney family-planning decision, but who knows,” sneers TRG spokes-monkey Sarah 

Yeah, this is pretty low...even by Clinton standards. And, of course, it comes not 
from the Kerry campaign directly, but from an independent 527 group funded with “soft” 
money so as to give Kerry “plausible deniability.”  But you know what?  It’s hard to 
feel sorry for the GOP leadership which refuses to cut loose its own 527s to counter 
this kind of gutter politics.  The White House and the RNC need to seriously think 
about making a public statement that if the Democrats are going to continue funding 
such activities with “soft” money, then our own team is free to do the same...unless 
or until the FEC or a court of law stops it for EVERYBODY.

For more information on this subject - along with contract information for President 
Bush and RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie, go to the “Brushfire Alert” page at 


“President Bush renewed his call yesterday for a permanent ban on taxing Internet 
access, particularly the high-speed phone, cable and satellite varieties known as 
broadband. The White House is hoping that the Senate, which is scheduled to address 
the issue this week, was paying attention. We hope so, too.  

“A small pro-tax contingent of Senate Republicans, under pressure from Governors and 
state legislatures back home, successfully conspired to allow the five-year-old 
moratorium on federal and state Internet access taxes to lapse last fall. The House 
has already voted to renew the ban, but usual GOP suspects such as Tennessee's Lamar 
Alexander and Ohio's George Voinovich have used procedural tactics to prevent the 
Senate from following suit.”

- Review & Outlook, Wall Street Journal, 4/27/04


Seems the rest of the nation is beginning to find out what we’ve known for a long 
time: Not only is Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah) a deadbeat, he’s a bum.  In fact, some 
folks are actually referring to him as a RINO due to his pro-illegal alien positions, 
including support for illegal alien amnesty.  One such group now has a website titled 
“Cannon Watch” up on the ‘net dedicated to our least-favorite GOP congressman.

“Cannon Watch” features this classic quote from a MALDEF (a hard, hard, hard-left 
Hispanic fringe group) award ceremony in 2002 where the chubby congressman was the 
toast of the town:  “In fact I think Utah was the first state in the country to 
legislate the ability to get a drivers license based on the matricula consular and of 
that I am proud." Lovely.

You can surf “Cannon Watch” by going to:  


This fall, airports may consider replacing the government-run TSA airport screeners 
with private companies.  Is it time to re-privatize the airport security checkpoints?

*  Yes
*  No
*  I’m a Kerry Democrat...Yes AND No

Cast your vote by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at www.citizenoutreach.com

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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