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There’s a new “Smoke Screen” update on News & Views EXTRA today, including my "rant" 
to a reader who STILL thinks they have a right to come into MY restaurant and tell ME 
whether or not I can allow smoking in MY restaurant.  My tolerance and patience for 
un-thinking people who just don’t “get” this is completely exhausted...but at least I 
refrained from using any four-letter words.  Catch it at:  


Do you agree with the 9th Circuit Court decision telling the federal government it 
can’t block voter-approved assisted suicide in the state of Oregon?

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Cast your vote by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at www.citizenoutreach.com


Most people don't seem to know there are more than 100 national cemeteries around the 
United States (http://www.cem.va.gov/index.htm). Nearly every one will have public 
services this Memorial Day weekend. . . . Memorial Day itself has been a holiday in 
decline from its original purpose, the honoring of the nation's war dead, an idea born 
in the internal sorrows of the Civil War. . . . More recently, this day at the end of 
May has become a Monday off and a chance to prepare for summer. . . . Much of the 
politicking around Iraq is rather nasty just now. And there will be more of it. For a 
minute this Memorial Day weekend, ponder the simple individual nobility held forever 
in those 120 national cemeteries.”

- Dan Henninger of the Wall Street Journal


“It is now clear that Al Gore is insane.  I don't mean that his policy ideas are 
insane, though many of them are. I mean that based on his behavior, conduct, mien and 
tone over the past two days, there is every reason to believe that Albert Gore Jr., 
desperately needs help. I think he needs medication, and I think that if he is already 
on medication, his doctors need to adjust it or change it entirely."

- New York Post columnist John Podhoretz  


“Yesterday, there was  news of a truce brokered between the coalition and this 
murderous thug terrorist al-Sadr in Najaf. . . . Today, insurgents attacked U.S. 
forces and a U.S. military base outside Najaf.  The base was hit with nine mortars, 
while U.S. forces near Kufa were attacked with rocket-propelled grenades.  This is the 
thanks we get for showing restraint.  When are we going to learn our lesson here?

“It used to be the policy of the United States that we did not negotiate with 
terrorists. . . . The United States military should immediately start attacking 
military targets in Najaf until it receives the unconditional surrender of al-Sadr and 
his goons.  Only then will peace be achieved, through a military victory.  Iraq could 
use some more parking anyway.”

- Talk show host Neal Boortz, 5/28/04


“The South Dakota Supreme Court ordered the disclosure of 214 sealed pardons issued by 
former Governor Bill Janklow (R). State newspapers sued to have the records opened. 
The records revealed that Janklow secretly pardoned his son-in-law for two drunk 
driving convictions and an unrelated drug offense. He also pardoned another close 
friend and former top state official for a DUI conviction. . . . Janklow was elected 
to Congress in 2002, but resigned after his 2003 conviction for vehicular 
manslaughter. He was released from jail two weeks ago and placed on probation after 
serving his 100-day sentence.”

- Ron Gunzburger, Politics1, 5/28/04


In response to our Brushfire Alert yesterday regarding the little kid who was 
suspended for 10-days for including a steak knife in a shoe box as part of his 
show-and-tell project of what one would take on a camping trip, a News & Views reader 

“Come on Chuck. If I tell my kid he's grounded and can't talk on the phone for a week 
and he does it anyway, I have to back up my statement. If you tell a child not to 
bring a knife to school or he gets a 10-day suspension, and he does it anyway, what 
choice does the school have?”

Now, it seemed insane to me that a sane person could come up with such an insane 
excuse for such insanity.  Then it hit me like a ton of bricks!  So, on a hunch, I 
asked this person if he worked for a public school system.

What do YOU think?


“A 13-year-old Denver girl...Courtney Glowczewski has a small right arm and leg 
because of cerebral palsy, a disability that her teachers say has not kept her from 
working hard in school and being a good student. . . . But her physical appearance has 
made her a target of taunting and of physical attack, which she said has never been 
addressed by the administration at Martin Luther King Middle School.

“Last week, she said the bullying got worse when she said she was threatened and 
assaulted by a seventh grade boy.  ‘He pulled out a knife, a silver knife, a pocket 
knife, and then he said 'What!?' So I was scared and didn't know what to do,’ said 
Glowczewski.  As she walked to her seat she smelled smoke and one of her classmates 
was patting her hard on the back.  ‘I looked and there was a black spot on the back of 
my shirt. And then I saw some black hair falling from my hair,’ said Glowczewski.  Her 
hair was on fire and the other student said that she was trying to help put it out.

“Her mother, Sherrie, was called to school when her daughter reported the incident to 
the assistant principal.  Sherrie Glowczewski was outraged when she was told by the 
administration at Martin Luther King that her daughter didn't need to come back and 
not to worry about the tests.  ‘I just wanted to go to a school that doesn't make fun 
of me. I wanted to be treated with respect,’ Glowczewski said, crying. 

“...7NEWS discovered that while Glowczewski was sent home, her alleged attacker is 
still in school, even though administrators confirmed he had a knife.  The principal 
has now admitted her staff did not call police, did not interview potential witnesses, 
and did not conduct a proper investigation.”

- TheDenverChannel.com, 5/26/04


The Libertarian Party convention is this weekend, and one of the speakers will be our 
favorite congressman, Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Republican, who is introduced in an LP 
press release thusly:  

“Dubbed ‘Dr. No’ for his principled ‘no’ vote against any government program not 
specifically authorized by the Constitution, Paul is held up as an example of how 
Libertarians would govern if elected.”

Actually, here’s how the sentence SHOULD read:  “...Paul is an example of how 
libertarian-leaning candidates can get elected so they have an OPPORTUNITY to govern.” 

Again, Ron Paul is a registered Republican.  There are NO registered Libertarian Party 
members serving in Congress.  And there never have been.  And I don’t think the LP can 
boast of a single state legislator these days, either.  As a political party, they 
sure make a great lampshade.  Pity for the country.  We could use more Ron 
Pauls...from whatever party.


Well, now the shoe’s on the other foot.

The National Association of Mental Health (NMHA), the country’s oldest and largest 
mental health association, announced this week that PFOX (Parents & Friends of 
Ex-Gays) can’t have a booth at next month’s convention in Washington, DC., saying the 
PFOX’s principles aren’t in line with the association’s core mission.  PFOX believes 
that homosexuality is wrong and promotes “reparative” or “corrective” therapy designed 
to get gays to stop being gay.

Consistency Check:  Last week, the North Carolina Republican Party banned the Log 
Cabin Republicans - a conservative organization of gay Republicans - from their 
convention.  For those who supported the NC GOP’s decision, do you also support the 
decision to exclude the anti-gay PFOX group from the NMHA convention?  And for those 
who opposed the NC GOP’s decision, do you also oppose NMHA’s exclusionary decision?  
Join the Discussion Board on this subject by surfing over to:  

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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