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MoveOn.org has filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) demanding the 
agency stop Fox News from using its slogan "fair and balanced,” claiming it to be 
deceptive advertising.  This led our friend and adviser Lyn Nofziger to write in his 
blog yesterday: “Perhaps now some conservative organization can call on the FTC to ban 
the New York Times’ use of its slogan: ‘All the news that’s fit to print.’ ”

So...we did.  And heaped upon MoveOn.org the level of ridicule they so richly deserve 
in the process.  You can read the letter Lyn & I are sending to the FTC on today’s 
News & Views EXTRA page at:



“Hey, Sandy.  Are those security documents in your pocket...or are you just glad to 
see me?”

- News & Views reader


..We have some oceanfront property in Vegas you might be interested in.

Sandy Berger, Clinton’s National Security Adviser, has been caught removing top-secret 
information from a secure National Archives reading room, hiding documents in his coat 
pocket, pants and socks. One of the key documents he lifted is now - surprise! - 
missing.  Berger calls the five-finger heist "sloppiness" and an "honest mistake."  He 
even does so with a straight face and a certain air of righteous indignation.

According to CNSNews.com, Berger’s lawyer says the missing memo in question was 
written by Richard Clarke, the man who wrote a book blasting the Bush administration 
for failing to prevent the 9/11 attacks.  Oh, how very conveeeeenient.  The Berger 
memo now joins that 18-minute erasure on the Nixon Watergate tapes and Hillary’s 
magical disappearing billing records in American political lore.


John Kerry really stuck his foot in his mouth while brown-nosing the NAACP last week.  
Kerry went out of his way to criticize President Bush for refusing to address the 
anti-Bush, anti-Republican, anti-conservative, anti-white uncivil rights organization 
at their annual convention.  “You need to talk to all of the people,” Kerry admonished 
the President.

And what a Pandora’s box THAT has opened!  Conservative organizations are coming out 
of the word-work demanding that Kerry back up his rhetoric by addressing THEIR 
organizations.  Talon News reports that Gun Owners of America, Concerned Women for 
America and the Family Research Council have all extended Kerry an invitation to 
address their memberships.  Bet your life more are on the way.  

Hoooo-weee!   Looks like the French-looking senator’s mouth wrote a check he (or even 
his wife) can’t cash.  Oughtta be fun watching him try to squirm out of this one.


“It’s a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the 
audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian.  It can cloud my enjoyment.  I’d 
rather not know.”

- Singer Linda Ronstadt, San Diego Tribune, 7/15/04


“The Islamic world...and this includes those who don't exactly wish us well...is 
celebrating today.  Radical Islamic causes have now achieved a meaningful election 
victory in the United States. It looks almost certain that Cynthia McKinney will be 
returning to the United States Congress representing Georgia's 4th District.  
Yesterday McKinney took more than 50% of the votes in a Democratic primary election.  
Her Republican challenger in the November election stands little chance of an upset.

“You do remember Cynthia, don't you? She is the one who said that Bush knew about 9/11 
before it happened. . . . Cynthia McKinney is a functionally incompetent far-left 
nutcase...and come next January she'll be back in Washington.  Now Corinne Brown, 
Sheila Jackson-Lee and Maxine Waters will have some good company.  Residents of 
Georgia's 4th Congressional District have every cause to be both ashamed and 

- Talk show host Neal Boortz


“Despite enactment of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, some policymakers 
continue to advocate for the importation of prescription drugs into the United 
States...seemingly ignoring the current Medicare discount card program and the 
upcoming 2006 prescription drug benefit.  The Medicare Prescription Drug Discount Card 
program, a temporary discount card put in place by the Medicare bill, has already 
proven to save participating seniors—especially lower-income seniors who are also 
eligible for subsidies—between 50 percent and 78 percent.  With such significant 
savings already reaching seniors, policymakers supporting drug importation should 
pause and consider its consequences.”

- Nina Owcharenko of the Heritage Foundation, 7/20/04


Folks, the federal marriage amendment (FMA) is dead.  Get over it.  Yet some anti-gay 
activists just can’t let it go.  

There’s a vote on another bill (HR 3313) coming up this week, and the pro-FMA folks 
are in full rant.  “Anti-family forces and their allies in the militant homosexual 
movement have a boot heel on the throat of America,” screams an email from the usually 
level-headed American Conservative Union (ACU) president David Keene, urging members 
to support the bill.  “We must act NOW because too many of our politicians are 
writhing and whining and begging for mercy instead of fighting.”

Oh, dear.  “Boot heel on the throat,” huh? Sounds...apocalyptic.

Now for a little reality check.  HR 3313 isn’t about defending marriage.  It’s about 
“court stripping.”  It’s about defending DOMA.  It’s about defending state 
sovereignty.  It's about the 10th Amendment.  It’s about the proper separation of 
powers.  It’s merely a bill which says that federal courts can’t strike down the 1996 
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which reserves to the states the ability to decide the 
issue of gay marriage for themselves and prevents the federal judiciary from forcing 
one state to recognize the gay marriages of another state.

DOMA was about gay marriage.  FMA was about gay marriage.  HR 3313 is about 

It’s a darn shame anti-gay...AND pro-gay...forces are twisting this bill into 
something it’s not.  It should be debated on its own merits.  Court-stripping is a 
serious constitutional question which should be discussed without the demagoguery over 
gay marriage.  The ACU, of all organizations, should know better.  That they’ve 
resorted to the rhetorical level of Gary Bauer and James Dobson over this piece of 
legislation is truly disheartening.

Let’s hope the rest of us can do better.


The Democrats have added yet another scalp to their filibuster wall this week, 
blocking an up-or-down vote on judicial nominee Bill Myers.  In response, the 
president issued a rather mild, cookie-cutter statement begging the Democrats to “stop 
playing politics with the American judicial system and give judicial nominees the fair 
treatment they deserve.”  

Oh, PUH-lease. 

Meyers is the SEVENTH nominee to be obstructed from a confirmation vote by an 
unconstitutional filibuster by the minority party...and Senate Majority Leader Bill 
Frist, like the president, is just...taking it.  “Thank you, sir, may I have another?” 
 It’s hard to feel sorry for these folks on this issue when they simply REFUSE to play 
hardball.  It's WAY past time to get mean; plain mad-dog Josie Wales mean.

What could they do?  Well, here’s one place to start.

As an act of good faith (and questionable judgment), President Bush nominated Dawn 
Tisdale to fill a vacancy on the Postal Rate Commission.  Tisdale is a former postal 
worker and labor union activist.  His nomination has been voted out of committee and 
is ready for a confirmation vote by the entire Senate.

In the meantime, the 300,000-member letter carriers union formally endorsed John Kerry 
for president on Tuesday.  The union is openly hostile to Republicans in general, and 
President Bush in particular.  Does anyone in their right mind think this wouldn’t 
bias Tisdale’s decision-making should he be confirmed to the PRC?

Some Republican senator somewhere, somehow should use the power they have to put a 
“hold” on Tisdale’s nomination and not release it until the Democrats in the Senate 
release the president’s judicial nominees.  Additionally, the Senate should NOT vote 
to approve Tisdale in any event for one very simple and defensible reason:  He has an 
irreconcilable conflict of interest.  Period.

Like I said, if Bush and Frist aren’t willing to play hardball with the Democrats who 
are blocking these judicial nominees, it’s no longer possible for us to feel sorry for 
them.  Bush and Frist need to take off the kid gloves and strap on the boxing gloves.  
If you can’t make the Democrats pay for this kind of unprecedented obstruction, what’s 
the sense in controlling the White House and being in the majority?

You can reach Sen. Frist’s office by calling (202) 224-3344.  Or send him an email by 
going to his website at:  


"Life is tough. Life is tougher if you're stupid."

- John Wayne

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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