While using NewsClipper 1.24, I constantly get these messages in verbose
mode, for every handler:

<!-- News Clipper error message:
The following errors occurred while attempting to acquire the data from
remote server: Error on HTTP request: "Can't connect to www.ugu.com:80
(Timeout)". Using cached data.

The sequence of commands was:
<input name=unixtipofday>
This input command was expanded using the default filter and output
for the handler, which resulted in:
<input name=unixtipofday>
    <output name='string'>

   ___   ___ 
  / _ | / _ \   Ari Pollak - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.compwiz.nu
 / __ |/ ___/  ICQ #749825 - AOL IM: aripollak
/_/ |_/_/     I don't have a solution but I admire the problem.

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