If Gates et al. have their dystopian way, breast-feeding will come to seem
regressive, and eventually disgusting, along with all parental bonds, and
human procreation. (The UN recently proscribed such words as "husband,"
"wife," "girlfriend" and "boyfriend," ostensibly because they're not
politically correct.)

This is all straight out of Huxley's Brave New World; although the society
envisioned there is hedonistic, whereas the real dystopia now in the works
will be a sexless nightmare (as anticipated in the UK's COVID policy of
disallowing sexual encounters outside marriage, and urging married couples
to---forgive the crudeness---fuck with masks on).

Either we get ready for a world where every interaction, and transaction,
is online, with all our movements thereby heavily policed and regulated, or
we do all we can, together, to make sure that that world is never realized,
by stopping those now trying to bring it on.


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> <https://childrenshealthdefense.salsalabs.org/kennedynewsviewsgates-fundedfakebreastmilkschooli?wvpId=3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Te35d72ee-afb9-4137-9df6-f028b2af32c5/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> More Gates-Funded 'Brave New World' Science: Fake Breast Milk
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Td183dbd7-d933-45dc-b124-bf17092d6547/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Tec815342-8847-4d6f-94d8-6a817aa0e12a/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> *By the Children’s Health Defense Team*
> Technocrat Bill Gates has received a lot of attention for his global
> health policy prescriptions related to COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccines. The
> tycoon’s enthusiasm for experimental biotech injections should come as no
> surprise, given his longstanding global investments in vaccine-focused
> organizations and programs. However, Mr. Gates also funds numerous other
> initiatives, all of which—like his vaccine efforts—feature a
> near-evangelical belief in the power of science and technology to do Mother
> Nature one better.
> The latest Gates-backed venture to attract notice is a Durham, North
> Carolina-based biotechnology start-up called Biomilq, which just raised
> $3.5 million to develop lab-cultured breast milk. However, while
> their website briefly mentions “rigorous quality standards” it says nothing
> about short-term or long-term safety, leaving many potential questions
> unanswered.
> Read More
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/T1e26cdeb-be17-468e-a1bf-a94cb69a4898/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Tb784ed66-d1af-4307-9b60-e4af36bb396e/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Tfcb3f02f-dc20-4d47-a008-2e0742f6c345/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> Schools Must Go 'Back to Normal' in the Fall—A Scientist's Perspective
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Ta778ef29-d7a1-470e-8340-13b3a5a17b29/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/T33d846ed-1bed-4ba7-8502-132912a2542a/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> In her letter to her representative in Parliament, Canadian scientist
> Renata Dziak (trained in immunology and microbiology and the mother of two
> children), explains in detail, on the basis of (real) science, why schools
> should reopen as usual, without smaller classes, "social distancing" or
> face masks.
> “It is deeply concerning that governments, as well as public health
> authorities appear not to have adjusted their COVID-19 strategies to take
> account of the large and growing body of scientific data that shows that
> COVID-19 is not the deadly threat that was originally thought.”
> Read More
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Td5ebf981-9496-48ac-8d28-45e4b512ec7b/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/T936ac3fa-0d9b-4629-8430-f35b63ae46b9/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Tf2791514-a461-4cb8-aa07-db806ef2a44f/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> A Book Review—'Children of the Cure: Missing Data, Lost Lives and
> Antidepressants
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Tf18d3c2c-081c-45e9-af1c-bca9b64b1ec3/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>'
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Tb8d02093-0bf9-43f2-9a84-a33724359d00/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> *By Leemon B. McHenry, California State University, Northridge*
> As a model of manipulated science, the story of GlaxoSmithKline’s
> pediatric Paxil Study 329 just won’t die. The reason for this is that the
> drug maker’s behavior was so egregious one couldn’t look away. Like the
> tobacco companies, they went after kids to make big money, failed and then
> tried to cover it up. Now the truth is out. It took approximately twenty
> years for the wheels of justice to grind ― slowly and against the grain of
> the whole orthodox medical establishment.
> *Children of the Cure*, By David Healy, Joanna Le Noury and Julie Wood,
> is a must read for doctors and patients. For doctors, young and old, the
> dark side of medicine’s relationship with the pharmaceutical industry is an
> important lesson as revealed by Study 329. For patients, it is a warning:
> caveat emptor. In spite of the appearance of the best science has to offer,
> the reality is alarming.
> Read More
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/T09c14dd7-dfdd-401d-a51a-c1b8ccedb668/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Tb8aa5aad-2617-4789-93a4-8693e83030cc/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/T0c61f82e-41b4-4808-8391-731b3f378ab8/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Td042ac38-aada-467d-a508-ee93c38f9de4/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/T992e29ab-46a4-4d23-91f1-40ccf12cab4f/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> *Guest Commentary by Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Report*
> Most people are familiar with how Bill Gates made and kept his fortune. He
> acquired an operating system that was loaded into your computer. The
> simultaneous and sudden explosion of computer viruses then made it
> necessary to regularly update your operating system, allowing Gates and his
> associates to regularly add whatever they wanted into your software.
> Now the vision is to install an operating system in our bodies and use
> "viruses" to mandate the initial injection of surveillance components
> followed by regular updates. If I understand the history of case law,
> vaccines, in legal terms, are medicine. So why are we calling these
> formulations "vaccines"?
> Read More
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/T46e59644-cf45-49a7-94fe-273ff9108a63/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Tebbdb566-6c8c-4f4b-b9bc-f585c6bd5046/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Tf81f8cec-93ba-4e4a-957e-5f7b19205055/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/T2fa213fa-57c4-42d6-995f-e5a09e2ebe99/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> Doctors' Rx for FCC: Tougher RF Standards
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Td832c9be-d451-4000-a15d-969e87e66b07/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> *By John Eggerton, Multichannel News*
> The FCC's obsolete "health" guidelines have enabled the uncontrolled
> proliferation of wireless and 5G. Despite the clear evidence of harms and
> calls from scientists, doctors, public health officials, states, cities and
> those who have become sick, the Telecom controlled FCC continues to claim
> "there is no evidence" and force 5G in our streets and near our homes.
> Read More
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Tdbcf816e-dfc6-4b66-a53a-7c96cf5e8a21/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
> In the News ...
>    -
>    Wikipedia’s Culture of Editorial Chaos and Malice
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/T1b51d70c-3666-4f0a-9913-1ba77acb0b1b/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
>    -
>    Flu vaccine was disappointing vs some strains (39% effective last
>    season)
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/T40f0502a-aa18-42a8-8017-79512fb2a3fe/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
>    -
>    CDC and drugmakers boost flu vaccine doses amid fear of an
>    unprecedented respiratory illness
> <https://default.salsalabs.org/Ta8f10d0a-1432-43f9-b295-16769bae973e/3deefd6f-081f-44f8-9fa9-0a662d802f1b>
>    -
>    <a
> config="eyJmaWVsZENvbmZpZ3MiOltdLCJvbmVUaW1lQW1vdW50Q29uZmlnIjp7ImRlZmF1bHRBbW91bnRUeXBlIjoibm9uZSIsInBhcmFtZXRlck5hbWUiOiJvbmVUaW1lQW1vdW50IiwiZmllbGRJZCI6bnVsbH0sInJlY3VyQW1vdW50Q29uZmlnIjp7ImRlZmF1bHRBbW91bnRUeXBlIjoibm9uZSIsInBhcmFtZXRlck5hbWUiOiJyZWN1cnJpbmdBbW91bnQiLCJmaWVsZElkIjpudWxsfSwicmVjdXJyaW5nUGFyYW1OYW1lIjoicmVjdXJyaW5nIiwic2Fsc2FUcmFja2luZ0NvZGUiOiIiLCJyZWN1cnJpbmdCeURlZmF1bHQiOmZhbHNlLCJkZWZhdWx0RGVzaWduYXRpb24iOiIifQ=="
>    href="
>    https://default.salsalabs.org/Tef3d6d9d-8811-4c6c-85ae-b263d3c9488

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