*The doctor's perfect record of success with HCQ (a/k/a, "the drug*
*that Pres. Trump touted") earned him a front-page hit-piece in the*
*New York Times, which speared him not with any scientific evidence*
*to "debunk" his claims, or any **testimony by unhappy patients (there *
*being none of either), but with the jeer** that he'd become a "right-wing *
*star" for "touting" HCQ.*

*Recall that Dr. Didier Raoult, who's also used the drug **successfully *
*to treat COVID-19, has been under ferocious government **attack in *
*France, which Big Pharma doth bestride like a colossus:*

*MCMFrom Dick Atlee:*

*I think this is the answer — or at least the strongest answer — to
thepeople who tell me that advocating the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) *
*to **treat COVID-19 is tantamount to killing people.*

*It's an interview with a doctor whose protocol for the drug is now
beingused in many countries which have seen hospitalization and death
rates *

*drop as a result. I'd heard of him, but with my interest in the fraud
anddeliberately-designed-to-fail studies of the drug, I foolishly hadn't
paidattention to what he's been doing for the last four months.The
interview was just broadcast this afternoon, and hasn't been broken outyet
from the longer program, but you can hear it (all 40 minutes, unlessyou can
pull yourself away before that) at
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzqcN6ybfkE&t=2505>He is Dr.
Vladimir Zelenko, from Monsey, in upstate New York. He is a very *

*dour, straightforward, no-nonsense-or-hype doctor whose success speaksfor
itself.The thing that most intrigued me about the many interesting
insightsuncovered in this interview was the clear mechanism for how the
drugcombination of HCQ and zinc works, with azithromycin as a
protectionagainst respiratory complications. (Note: I've also seen AZT
described asinterfering with viral attachment to a cell's ACE-2
receptors).Zinc is the virus killer, or rather the preventer of the virus's
ability toreproduce in a cell, through inhibition of the RNA polymerase
enzymerequired for that
zinc on its own can't get into the cell to run that interference. HCQ'sjob
is as an "ionophore" to open a channel for the zinc to enter the
it can disable the virus's "replication and transcription
complex"(RTC). Zelenko refers to these three components of his protocol
thusly: *

*HCQ is the gun, zinc is the bullet, and azithromycin is the bulletproof
vestprotecting the patient.He also added clarity to why Trump is being
invoked so often in attacks onHCQ. Having Zelenko's HCQ protocol adopted
would mean essentially an end *

*to the pandemic, which would be a win for Trump. It would also open up
theeconomy, also a win for Trump. So those who want Trump defeated
can'tafford to have HCQ widely used. He's not a Trump fan, he's just
beingrealistic. Which shows us yet another way in which politics is
deadly.It seems evident that this protocol is a true game-changer in this
presentsituation. It doesn't require hospitalization for administration,
and it isextremely inexpensive ($20 for the full treatment). It is saving
lives inevery country in which it is officially sanctioned, or where
doctors are atleast not forbidden to use it. Whether we'll be so fortunate
here in theU.S. remains very much to be seen.*

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