*From the manager of 13 ER clinics there, an overview that complements*

*the piece that I sent out on June 28:*


Why We Should Not Be Concerned About Increasing Covid-19 Cases in Texas
*by Edward Peter Stringham*
*July 2, 2020*


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[image: Austin Texas]

Should we be concerned about the total number of COVID-19 *deaths *or
COVID-19 *cases* that do not result in death? On June 29, 2020, former New
York Times reporter Alex Berenson <https://twitter.com/AlexBerenson>, and
an important alternative voice on COVID-19, received a note from a managing
partner of the medical care facilities CompleteCare
<https://www.visitcompletecare.com/> in Texas. The author tells of what’s
happening on the ground, and it differs dramatically from the headlines
driving Texas officials to once again close up the economy in a panic over
a rise in cases.

Recall that the original idea of “flattening the curve” was not to make the
virus go away but to slow the spread of infections to prevent hospitals
from getting overwhelmed in the short run (this was never an issue in
Texas). The stay at home order for two weeks was meant to buy time for
hospitals to get enough equipment and deal with patients over time rather
than all at once. The good news is the hospitals were never overrun.

It also turns out that COVID-19 deaths were a fraction of the most alarmist
predictions that drove public policy, and over time that COVID-19 deaths
continue to decrease.

But now we hear about rising cases – not deaths – and that is introducing
more calls for lockdowns and travel bans.

What the letter reports will not shock anyone who has followed cases during
the reopening period. The cases are mostly young people who are in very
little danger from the virus. What should be considered good news – that
the case fatality rate is falling each day – is being misinterpreted by the

As for this gentleman’s willingness to speak out, it is a heroic act in
these strange times. He worries of becoming a target and it is a legitimate
concern. Even so, the truth needs to come out. AIER gives the letter,
posted <https://twitter.com/AlexBerenson/status/1277773122301804546> on
Berenson’s twitter feed, a full airing.

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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