*God forbid we should "take comfort" in COVID-19's having killed far fewer*
*people than we'd all been told it would. At yesterday's press conference,*
*Fauci called this natural and humane **reaction a "false narrative,"
because *
*the dread he wants us to keep **feeling is essential to the maintenance
of *
*the COVID-based "new normal," and the universal vaccination **program *
*that his syndicate **is hurrying to realize, and force on every human *
*being *
*alive (except for **those within that syndicate).*

*Thus Dr. Fauci's sticking to the script implicit in "Ensuring Uptake of*
*Vaccines against SARS-Cov-2," a recent article the New England Journal*
*of Medicine, setting forth "six trigger criteria for state COVID-19 *
*vaccination mandates." The trick is to increase "voluntary uptake"*
*(emphasis added) by various innocuous-sounding means, so that*
*brute force will finally not be needed. Although the authors are too*
*suave to come right out and say it, the very ground of their whole*
*six-point program is the maintenance of terror that we'll surely die*
*if we don't "voluntarily" get jabbed.*

*The Bizarro universe in which the authors operate comes clear in a *
*sentence **on the fourth of the six criteria, "transparent communication *
*of the best **available **evidence about the vaccine's safety and
efficiency." *
*That "best" **does not mean "soundest," but "most believable to most *
*people," is **evident in this psychotic observation on the need to
maintain *
*"public **trust": *

*Public trust has already been compromised by federal officials' *
*endorsement of hydroxycholoroquine as a Covid-19 treatment *
*without evidentiary support; the same must not occur for vaccines.*

*In other words, public trust was damaged by Trump's "touting" HCQ as*
*a remedy for COVID-19, on the basis of (what Fauci called) merely*
*"anecdotal" evidence of its effectiveness. Since millions know that*
*HCQ is an effective COVID-19 treatment, it was not Trump's "touting"*
*it that "compromised" their trust, but the Big Lie that Big Pharma's*
*instruments, including Dr. Fauci, his associates, and nearly all the*
*"liberal media," **have **told about hydroxychloroquine—a lie that's been *
*exposed **as **such **online, in many articles and videos that, although *
*deleted, shadow-**banned, deceptively "debunked" and/or flagged *
*as "misinformation" **or "fake news," have lodged the **inconvenient *
*truth in many minds.*

*"The same must not occur for vaccines." What this means is that *
*the inconvenient truth about the COVID-19 vaccine—that it will have*
*been rushed out for profit's sake, only nominally tested, a lethal*
*brew of neurotoxic adjuvants, animal cells, bits of human DNA, and*
*nanoparticles "to encode information for 'decentralized data storage*
*and bio-sensing'"—must be blacked out, and then forgotten in the*
*panic that will be whipped up again by Dr. Fauci, Bill/Melinda Gates,*
*Big Pharma, and their tools in "our free press."*

*And Dr. Fauci is already on the job, warning us that "taking comfort*
*in a lower rate of death" is, however natural, fraught with peril, because*
*"there's so many other things that are very dangerous and bad about*
*this virus." Fauci then stepped back, to let Doug Jones, Alabama's*
*Democratic senator, pick up the dirge: "As the percentage of deaths*
*may come down, that does not mean that this virus is not still very,*
*very serious. That it disrupts education, disrupts business, disrupts*
*lives, because it still is [sic]. It still will be deadly."*

*So just because deaths as a percentage of total cases may be coming*
*down, it's no reason at all to kind of let our foot off the gas when it*
*comes to our social distancing, wearing masks and trying to control*
*this virus.*

*That grim duet was no mere morbid one-off by those two official ghouls.*
*It's surely no coincidence that, on the same day that Fauci/Jones *
*performed their dismal number, this complementary headline popped up *
*in the **Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Newsday and Bloomberg News*
*(which crafted it): **"A Lower COVID-19 Death Rate Is Nothing to
Celebrate." *
*As noted in **a trenchant tweet by Alex Berenson, that perverted
admonition *
*neatly **summarizes all the paralyzing gloom-and-doom with which "our *
*free press" **has been flooding us since March: **"Three months-**plus of *
*media-**fed **hysteria in one perfect headline.
Congratulations, @bopinion, *
*you've **done it!" *

*And yet that headline isn't just the culmination of the last **three
months' *
*deliberate terrorism by the press. Along with Fauci/Jones' **aggressively *
*dispiriting performance, that headline is the first shot in **a *
*propaganda *
*drive against our natural relief that COVID-19 isn't the **catastrophe it
was *
*cracked up to be, and that we're still being told it is, **even as the
death *
*rate drops toward zero. **As things ease up, and life **goes on, it's
only *
*human to take heart, and then demand that the **authorities who've seized *
*our world now give it back to us; and so **they'll now do everything they *
*can, use all the means within their deadly **power, to dishearten us. *
*They *
*must **convince us that we can't "let our foot off the gas when it comes *
*to our **social distancing, wearing masks, and trying to control this
virus," *
*because it's really not "this virus" that they're "trying to control,"
but *
*all **of us. *

*That they **now feel the need to rein us in again is actually good news,*
*because it means that many of us now see through their game—which,*
*therefore, they can't win, if we don't let them.*

*MCM  *


Fauci Downplays Lower Coronavirus Death Rate as ‘False Narrative’


[image: fauci]AL DRAGO/AFP via Getty Images <https://www.afp.com/>
NATE CHURCH <https://www.breitbart.com/author/nate-church/>7 Jul 20204,414

Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Tuesday that taking comfort in news of declining
coronavirus death rates is a”false narrative” encouraging “complacency.”

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr.
Anthony Fauci downplayed
apparent low death rate of the novel coronavirus pandemic in a press
conference with Democrat Alabama Senator Doug Jones on Tuesday. He also
emphasized that there was still a “window of opportunity” for the state to
respond proactively to the outbreak.

“You’re not there yet, so you have an opportunity, a window to get your
arms around this and to prevent it from getting worse,” Dr. Fauci said.
“It’s not to the point where it’s out of hand and you know, very difficult
to control. So you have a window of opportunity here, that as a state, you
should not, you should, you know, take advantage of that window of

Fauci further characterized taking comfort in news about declining
mortality as an empty comfort, claiming, *“It’s a false narrative to take
comfort in a lower rate of death.* There’s so many other things that are
very dangerous and bad about this virus,” and warning the public not to
“get yourself into false complacency.”

*Click on the link for the rest.*

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