Tweedledumber's latest way of saying, "Vote for me, I'm him!"

(Is he writing his own script?)


> Joe Biden Wants to Be the Anti-Trump — So Why Does He Support Building
> Trump’s Signature Border Wall?
> *By* *Branko Marcetic <>*
> *Professional Democrats used to paint Donald Trump’s border wall as the
> symbol of everything that was grotesque about him. But now that Joe Biden
> has come out in favor of it, they’ve offered barely a whisper of protest. *
> The US-Mexican border wall is seen on February 10, 2019 in El Paso, Texas.
> Joe Raedle / Getty
> Since Joe Biden started running for president, it’s been easy to dismiss
> his frequent calls
> <>
> to “restore the soul of the nation” as mostly cosmetic moral gesturing
> meant to get him off the hook for a lack of vision or bold policy
> commitments. And now it’s even easier.
> Asked point-blank
> <> recently
> what would happen to Donald Trump’s border wall, given it has hundreds of
> millions of dollars’ worth of construction contracts set for 2021, Biden
> refused to say he would end its construction, saying merely he was “not
> going to be spending a lot of money on the wall.” In other words, Biden
> affirmed that with him in the White House, the United States will continue
> to pour money and manpower into the controversial project.
> What’s remarkable about this is not just that the moronic wall is arguably
> Trump’s signature policy idea (albeit one he cribbed from the pre-Trump
> GOP, and that Biden himself once advocated for, in typically rabid
> <>
> style). It’s that the wall is itself a literal physical symbol of the
> bigotry Biden has spent this entire campaign claiming his simple victory
> would exorcize from the American psyche, a symbol widely mocked
> <> and
> condemned <> by
> liberals as a racist
> <>
> boondoggle.
> The paltry promise of Biden’s campaign was that, sure, you might die of
> preventable illness and continue suffocating from debt, but the racism and
> ugliness of the last four years under Trump would be erased from your
> memory. Things would at least *feel* normal, at least on a purely
> symbolic level. Biden was articulating the unstated mission statement of
> the modern Democratic Party: you’ll keep getting knocked to the ground by
> miserable material conditions, but we’ll let you fall on a pillow of
> pleasant, progressive words and imagery.
> Now, Biden can’t even promise to follow through on this feel-good
> symbolism.
> You won’t be surprised to learn this isn’t the first plank of Trump’s
> policy agenda Biden has boldly pledged to leave untouched. Asked at the end
> of March if he would even temporarily lift Trump’s quasi-genocidal
> <>
> sanctions against Iran, Biden took no position
> <>,
> then put out a statement
> <>
> some days later that also took no position. He has likewise said
> <>
> the US embassy “should not have been moved” to Jerusalem by Trump — widely
> criticized as an inflammatory move that would hinder what’s left of the
> prospects for a two-state solution — but now that it’s there, he “would not
> move the embassy back.” He plans to lift the corporate tax rate to 28
> percent — seven points lower than it was before Trump’s plutocratic tax
> bill passed.
> But none of these come close to the symbolic weight of Trump’s border
> wall, one of the major reasons for the repugnance and outrage Trump has
> drawn from the liberal left since announcing his run in 2015, as well as
> fodder for the schoolyard taunts of racists the world over
> <>.
> Perhaps Biden will pledge the opposite later in this campaign, as he has
> already on so many issues — yet keen-eyed readers will note that even the 
> immigration
> plan <> on Biden’s website, up since
> last year, carefully avoids promising to dismantle the wall or even defund
> it even as it mocks Trump for the idea, pledging only to end the state of
> national emergency Trump has been using to funnel Pentagon money to the
> project.
> The Real Incrementalism
> This is how the political system has worked in the United States for
> decades, and what happens when an ideologically committed, well-organized
> Right is set up in opposition to an ineffectual and squishy liberal order
> whose only priority is maintaining its own existence. The Right, which has
> an actual ideological agenda it’s committed to seeing through, sets the
> agenda and pushes things in an ever more extreme direction; liberals then
> roll some of this back while cheerfully accepting key parts of the new
> agenda. Rinse, repeat.
> This betrayal is then ritually swallowed by loyal Democratic voters,
> having been trained for decades by the party and its media affiliates to
> believe nothing better is possible in the United States, supposedly because
> the Democratic Party is outmatched, or because the American public is
> simply too right-wing to want anything different. Instead of being furious
> with the party, they grimly accept the new right-wing consensus, reasoning
> that since the Republican Party is far more monstrous, this defeat is, in
> fact, a victory. *This* is the real incrementalism in American politics,
> and decades of it has, among other things, helped turn the country into a
> failed state
> <>
> .
> This is exactly what happened with Barack Obama and the “war on terror.”
> George W. Bush’s lawless anti-terror policies were once condemned by
> Democrats in the same disgusted terms they reserved for Trump’s wall,
> particularly Guantanamo Bay, a torture camp that soon became a physical
> moral stain on the country. Then Obama came along and simply accepted all
> of Bush’s anti-terror excess, adding
> <>
> his own grisly contributions
> <>
> to the project, and miraculously changing Democratic voters’ minds
> <>
> about the thing they’d spent eight years melting down about. This is why
> something like ICE, birthed from the September 11 attacks and now barely
> out of its teens, is today considered too sacrosanct to dismantle, despite
> its many abuses.
> Nothing happened to Guantanamo Bay, by the way. Keeping it open may have
> been
> <>
> “contrary to our values,” but Obama found it too difficult to close and
> decided his political capital could be better spent elsewhere
> <>.
> The detention center celebrated a happy eighteenth anniversary this year.
> When was the last time you heard or thought about it?
> Obama at least promised to close Guantanamo Bay during his campaign; Biden
> now appears afraid to even pretend to want to stop construction of Trump’s
> wall. And if he ever does try as president, the effort is certain to meet
> exactly the kind of ferocious right-wing opposition that the Guantanamo
> closure, the “Ground Zero Mosque
> <>,”
> or even the coronavirus lockdown have faced, the exact kind of right-wing
> fury that’s tended to make Biden’s knees buckle throughout his career. The
> chances of seeing a political goal come to fruition aren’t great when the
> politician in charge can’t muster the courage to get through the
> lip-service stage of the process.
> Not that it will matter. As we’ve been informed, there is literally
> nothing Biden could do anymore, even cooking and eating children
> <>,
> that will prevent loyal Democrats from supporting him. Should he win, the
> wall will soon become just another unfortunate anomaly, a curiosity that
> professional liberals will squint at and privately chuckle at how angry it
> once made them feel; that is, until the next election year.
> There’s a lot of talk
> <>
> about the transformative agenda Biden will supposedly pursue if he wins.
> But even if he were inclined to do so, it’s hard to see how he could with
> no grassroots movement behind him, a coterie of neoliberal advisers and
> donors driving his campaign, and lacking the congressional supermajority
> that the far more charismatic and lucid Obama couldn’t even make use of.
> Perhaps it’s now better to ask the same question that has applied to every
> Democratic president of the last forty years: Which outrageous parts of the
> hard-right Republican agenda will he make permanent this time around?

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