I wrote:
DG> However, the newsx pull from central to new-local only works
DG> some of the time. There are certain articles which just hang
DG> in transfer and the connection is reset at the central end.
DG> Using --list and similar also seem to hang without result.

You replied:
> There is a bug in newsx that causes problems with articles that contain
> ASCII NULs. Perhaps that is the trouble you are seeing? When moving very
> large amounts of news, it you will see NULs with a certain probability. 

Well, in fact, the problem was actually a network problem, and not
newsx as such. After weeks of intermittent network behaviour, we've
been obliged to go back to plain Ethernet from FDDI, and now the
newsx connection to the central machine running INN 1.5.1 works.

Now that I've fiddled around and got it working, I'm very pleased
that it fits seamlessly into the existing news setup, and also in
the huge reduction in network traffic.

I'm running C-news, nntp-1.5.11t5, newsx-1.4, on HPUX 10.20.
As far as bug fixing goes, you may want to take a look at the
following areas:

- When the network died and newsx detected the connection reset, the
  lock files were never removed.

- newsx dumps core if there is an in.hosts config file with anything
  more than comment lines in it.

- I'm running a 'full' site, but only want to pull the newsgroups which
  are actually read[*]. For newgroup and checkgroups notification I need
  to pull 'control' (yes, there's lots of cancel message garbage) but
  you can't get newsgroups which aren't in the ME: line of the sys
  file. I never needed to have 'control' in the ME: line before.

- the --list and --newlist options generate an active file which
  has an additional 5th column which is identical to the 4th.

- there should be an intermediate form between --list and --newlist
  (and between --desc and --alldesc) which allows you to grab entries
  which match the ME: line of the sys file. At the moment, --list
  matches what you have in the in.hosts file, and --newlist matches
  *everything* on the feed machine, even in hierarchies which you
  don't want.

Keep up the good work.


[*] if only some newsreaders, eg Netscape didn't query the server
    for all newsgroups the first time you run it, thus making it
    appear that all newsgroups are actually being read.

This is my article, not my employer's, with my opinions and my disclaimer!
Duncan Gibson, ESTEC/YCV, Postbus 299, 2200AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
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