Neu: 2002-05-01

Contents of this issue:

1. Vivian Wins

2. Image Update

3. Island Briefs

4. Taro APlenty


May 1st, 2002

1. Vivian Wins :

Niue today has a new leader. Young Vivian (66) the long -timeHakupu
Village representative in the Legislative Assembly mustered enough
support from Niue Peoples Party MP's and independents in the Legislative
Assembly to oust former Premier Sani Lakatani. Mr Vivian defeated an
Alliance of Independents nominee for Premier, Hunukitama Hunuki, by 14
votes to six. Mr Lakatani was not nominated.

And Speaker Tama Posimani was dumped today, replaced by new comer
Atapana Siakimotu (54) a former consul-general in the Auckland
office.He's a former high school teacher and director of education with
wide ranging interests in Niuean art and culture. His wife Loseligi is
deputy director of education. Mr Siakimotu defeated Mr Posimani by 11
votes to nine on a second ballot. Mr Vivian's election came as no
surprise. The Niue Peoples Party caucus withdrew support for Mr Lakatani
after discontent over failure to attain economic goals and the apparent
lack of consultation with the party faithful. Mr Vivian is likely to
announce his Cabinet this week. The public gallery in the Fale Fono was
packed as the Legislative Assembly members were sworn in by the Clerk of
the House. The new Speaker was elected first followed by the Premier.

2. Image Update:

The Samoa Visitors Bureau is in the process of updating Samoa's
promotional images and tourist information to present an image of Samoa
as not only a friendly and family-oriented tourist destination, but also
showcasing a people with an authentic and vibrant culture. Said senior
bureau official Mosi Su'a:"We are compiling a product that will portray
Samoa to overseas markets as a top destination of value and an
experience not to be missed." The new material will be used to update
brochures, CD ROMs, magazines, general advertisements and the bureau's
website. Marketing pair Oscar Netzler and Fasitau Ula are in Savai'i
taking photos and gathering information on how the big island and its
attractions can be promoted. They will also be on the lookout for
potential models who would "truly encapsulate the true essence of
Samoaness." ( Samoa Observer/PINA Nius Online).

3. Island Briefs:

The Niue Assembly meets today to elect a Speaker and Premier. Its ten
days since the general election and voters have been keen to learn who
will be their leader for the next three years. There has been political
wrangling following the re-election of all members of the previous
Legislative Assembly with an increasing number of factions formed to
back their nominations for Premier. Major contenders are the top poller
and travel agent Toke Talagi, long time politician Young Vivian and
former NZ Army sergeant Sani Lakatani. The Niue Peoples Party has been
split over support for Young Vivian and sidelining former Premier Sani
Lakatani. The Alliance of Independents claiming seven MP's are refusing
comment on who they will support for the top job. However its understood
they propose to nominate former Speaker John Funaki to replace Tama
Posimani. Voting will be by secret ballot. Political observers say there
are strong indications that there will be on going political wrangling
on Niue. "The island is at a critical stage of development and bickering
is only going to drive more residents offshore to New Zealand or
Australia," said one observer.

4. Taro APlenty:

Nearly 800 sacks of taro are on the way to Auckland NZ from Niue. The
Reef Shipping company's MV Southern Express loaded the cargo after
calling at the island on Tuesday ( Niue time). Fifteen containers were
unloaded including two motor vehicles and a large amount of timber and
building materials.


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