Just to be certain: if I understand correctly, the Raven Pro program can
identify the graphics itself?

Dioni Loïc Sauvé
Laval, Québec

2017-10-26 14:32 GMT-04:00 John Kearney <john.kear...@ns.sympatico.ca>:

> Hi Dioni,
> I use Raven from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology for my acoustic work. Like
> Kaleidoscope it has a free version, Raven Lite, but you really need to have
> Raven Pro if you want to use a detector.
> There is a Facebook page “Nocturnal Flight Calls” where you can also post
> unidentified or mysterious flight calls! Don’t hesitate to send me a friend
> request.
> William Evans and Michael O’Brien are both members of this list, I
> believe, so they might be able to update us about when the next printing of
> their guide will be available.
> I reviewed the call you posted last night. To me, the possibilities are
> Swamp Sparrow, Lincoln’s Sparrow, or Indigo Bunting.
> John
> Carleton, Nova Scotia
> *From:* bounce-2403276-53237...@mm.list.cornell.edu [mailto:
> bounce-2403276-53237...@mm.list.cornell.edu] *On Behalf Of *Dioni Loïc
> Sauvé
> *Sent:* October-25-17 16:34
> *To:* Night Flight Call Discussions <nfc-l@mm.list.cornell.edu>
> *Subject:* [nfc-l] Re: [nfc-l] RE: [nfc-l] Dioni Loïc Sauvé - New in the
> list NFC-L
> Hello John,
> Thank you very much for your answer.
> Kaleidoscope is really an interesting program. I prefer it to audacity
> especially because we can cut a selected segment and also because it treats
> records of more than 6 hours on short segments, so easier to work (because
> the computer is less slowed).
> Indeed, many of my calls are not very clear. I start the study with
> sonogram, I am not yet very familiar with the programs. I get used to it
> slowly! Thank you so much for your help identifying my sonograms. I had a
> good idea of ​​the graphics except for Chipping sparrow and Common
> Yellowthroath. If you have Facebook, I would love to have you in my list of
> friends, because I will add continuously, without doubt, other graphics sp.
> which I remain in uncertainty.
> Thank you very much for offering me documentation. In the case of the
> Evans CD-ROM, it no longer seems accessible. Apparently, when I go on the
> internet, a new edition should arrive in 2017, is this the case?
> Dioni Loïc Sauvé
> Laval, Québec
> 2017-10-25 6:40 GMT-04:00 John Kearney <john.kear...@ns.sympatico.ca>:
> Hi Dioni,
> Thanks for sharing some of your night flight call clips. I’ve never used
> Kaleidocsope so it interesting to see what a spectrogram looks like on the
> program. Some of your calls were not very clear, perhaps because they were
> distant. In any case, you might try adjusting your spectrogram parameters
> and time/frequency axes to see if it brings more clarity. Among the ones I
> could discern, a number appeared to be White-throated Sparrows. I also saw
> Chipping Sparrow, Hermit Thrush, Swainson’s Thrush, Common Yellowthroat,
> and American Robin.
> The best guide to night flight calls is the CD-ROM by Evans and O’Brien,
> Flight Calls of Migratory Birds. I believe it is currently out of print but
> there’s a good chance that it is available in a library. Otherwise, I would
> recommend the website of Paul Driver, http://pjdeye.blogspot.ca/, and
> scroll down his right menu for the flight calls of various species groups.
> Hope this helps and best of luck in your listening!
> John
> Carleton, Nova Scotia
> *From:* bounce-2402937-53237...@mm.list.cornell.edu [mailto:
> bounce-2402937-53237...@mm.list.cornell.edu] *On Behalf Of *Dioni Loïc
> Sauvé
> *Sent:* October-24-17 17:52
> *To:* nf...@cornell.edu
> *Subject:* [nfc-l] Dioni Loïc Sauvé - New in the list NFC-L
> Hello everyone,
> This is the first time I write in this list (I just registered). I am from
> Quebec (Laval region). I am very interested in ornighology for 3 years
> specially vocalization and recently, I developed a particular interest for
> the study of their song and call by sonogram. I do a lot of recording
> during the night when I sleep, and the next morning, I analyze my
> recordings. It's not easy even if I have some documentation in relation to
> the charts of the calls of the species.
> I was wondering if you had any documentation to offer me. Tips? If someone
> could help me identify or confirm my graphics?
> I use Kaleidoscope for the analysis of my recordings. I have 6 SONY tape
> recorders and 1 H4nPro tape recorder.
> Here are some of my first graphs if someone wants to help me:
> https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1731927110445620.1073741851.
> 100008850429260&type=1&l=13eaff1366
> Dioni Loïc Sauvé
> Laval
> --
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> --

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