There were 45 minutes of nocturnal flight calls on nw winds from 5:30-6:15 a.m., averaging about 1/sec. at the beginning and about 3/sec. at the end. Most calls were of Swainson's and Wood Thrushes, with many fewer calls of Veery and Gray-cheeked. There was a good candidate for Bicknell's directly overhead. Also many calls of Scarlet Tanager and Rose-breasted Grosbeak. At Hawk Mt. Sanctuary's North Lookout, a rock outcrop in the Appalachian forest, the morning flight was a satisfying sensory overload and prolonged till 10:00 a.m. by cooling shreds of clouds and fog. Birders saw 19 warbler spp., with boreal warblers making their best showing so far this fall, 4 vireo spp. ( >10 Phila. Vireo alone), several flycatchers, >50 Scarlet Tanagers, ~50 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and many other birds. Diurnal raptors, in contrast, were scarce.
Rudy Keller
Boyertown, PA
Berks County

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