Hi Andrew,

Many thanks to you and the eBird team for clarifying the NFC protocol. Your 
efforts and time commitment are much appreciated.

I would, however, like to take you up on your offer to write a separate email 
about automated processing and automated recording units. I would be very 
interested in hearing your assessment of where we stand at the present time 
about advances in detectors, analysis software, and automated recording, 
including under field conditions. I don’t intend to burden you with this task 
but you would be in a good position, I believe, to get a discussion going 
online in which we can collectively assess where we are going and what we can 
do to contribute.

All the best,



From: bounce-118291441-28417...@list.cornell.edu 
[mailto:bounce-118291441-28417...@list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Andrew 
Sent: October-24-14 08:45
Subject: [nfc-l] flight call count and list protocols


Hello all,

Apropos several recent threads about eBird Nocturnal Flight Call Count 
protocol, and some confusion about how and when to use it, the eBird team 
reviewed the protocol's current description. We agreed that there was some 
potential for confusion, and we attempted to resolve points of confusion in a 
newly posted revision.  Please see this link:




The important issue we are clarifying is that counts should reflect counts or 
estimates of total birds, NOT flight call counts. We are making the distinction 
between the conservative (or exact if you can do it) estimates or counts of 
birds entered in the checklist on the one hand and the species comments on 
conservative or exact counts of the calls on the other hand. These numbers, as 
you all probably know, can be related in complex relationships that are still 
unclear (although some nice work by Horton et al 2014 following up on Larkin et 
al. 2002/Farnsworth et al. 2004 sheds more light on when the relationships 
might be more interpretable).


A few other points of discussion from the previous emails - at present one can 
embed rich media into eBird checklists like audio via several different paths. 
In the future we expect to make this easier and an integrated part of eBird. 
Whether we will see the day that automated processing can extract information 
from such data, well, I want to say an emphatic YES! But, this will be a major 
challenge (for many reasons I am happy to discuss in a separate email). More 
likely, in the near future, we will see automated recording units that can 
provide some background information about species and call counts, hopefully 
something you'll hear more about soon.


Now, I would like to address some other points about list etiquette, private 
emails, and eBird reviewing. I spoke with Chris Tessaglia-Hymes, NFC-L eList 
Owner, concerning this and that we both agreed I would address these concerns 
as a representative of eBird. 


First, as part of this discussion, some private email conversations were posted 
to the list serve community without the knowledge or consent of all of those 
involved in the conversations. To be blunt, forwarding without consent is an 
unacceptable practice (for many reasons). This is not a practice in which we 
should engage on this list, or in any medium of communication for that matter.


Second, as a member of the eBird team and a reviewer, I understand that many 
times the volunteer reviewers and observers have issues communicating about one 
thing or another, and we absolutely do want this communication between the two 
parties. But in situations where conflicts and misunderstandings persist, where 
there is confusion or where there are deeper underlying issues, the appropriate 
paths to resolve these are 1) to ask for guidance from the eBird team or 2) 
with the consent of all the parties in the conversation to ask for guidance 
from the community (for example, in this case NFC list). Of course, the outcome 
of these private discussions, in private, or more public discussions, may serve 
everyone's purposes; hence the mention of the appropriate paths to resolving 
conflicts above.


Yes, NFC data represent a huge and largely untapped potential, but there are 
many challenges. Chris Wood, Marshall Iliff, Brian Sullivan, and I, along with 
the rest of the eBird team, will be thinking about how to streamline the review 
process for flight call data for the eBirders and the volunteer reviewers. The 
eBird review team consists of many volunteers that have the mammoth task of 
reviewing records and trying to help observers hone their eBirding skills, 
whether identification or data entry. Add to that the huge challenges in 
assessing flight call count data, because even the most versed flight call 
researchers still have fundamental and outstanding questions about species ID, 
call counts and what they mean, etc. I plan to try to offer reviewers some 
guidance on how to address some of these flight call specific issues, and my 
hope, and the hope of the eBird team, is that eventually communities will be 
able to help moderate and promote this discussions.


Finally, to return to flight calls, I hope that some of you in the East have 
been out listening this week, and will be out listening in the coming days, as 
the movements have been and will continue to be quite wonderful. Some of the 
audible movements have been coupled with the unique set of conditions that 
allow for direct visual observation of migrants at night, which has been super 
cool (especially in NYC).





NFC-L List Info:

 <http://www.northeastbirding.com/NFC_WELCOME> Welcome and Basics

 <http://www.northeastbirding.com/NFC_RULES> Rules and Information

Subscribe, Configuration and Leave


 <http://www.mail-archive.com/nfc-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html> The Mail Archive

 <http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NFC-L> Surfbirds

 <http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NFCL.html> BirdingOnThe.Net

Please submit your observations to eBird <http://ebird.org/content/ebird/> !



NFC-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nfc-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NFC-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NFCL.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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