On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 06:26:03, Tore Anderson wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a customer who would like access to his own flow data. I can't 
> give him access to *all* my flow data, but I was wondering if is 
> somehow possible to have nfcapd apply a filter that matches his 
> network ranges, and then re- export the matching flows to the customer's  
> collector?
> Or any other way to accomplish this in a nice way? One of the 
> use-cases is to quickly determine what's going on during DoS attacks, 
> so it has to be (near- )realtime.

You can use the -R switch to send his flows to another collector.   Samplicate 
is another option, I use it to send all flows to multiple collectors.  If you 
want to send previous flows, nfreplay will do that.


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