On 03/05/2021 09:36, hendranata yahoo wrote:
i have tried your method and yes it is running okay.. but it seems only working in the LIVE profile.

when i create a new profile.. it show empty graph even with filter any.

when i check the service, it seems they running twice..

[root@netflow etc]# ps aux | grep Edge
netflow  26813  0.2  0.2  34788  8092 ?        S    15:33   0:00 /opt/nfdump/bin/nfcapd -w -D -p 9997 -u netflow -g apache -B 200000 -S 1 -P /data/nfsen/var/run/p9997.pid -z -T all -I EdgeIntl -l /data/nfsen/profiles-data/live/EdgeIntl -x nfasnupd %d/%f netflow  26814  0.0  0.0  13392   384 ?        S    15:33   0:00 /opt/nfdump/bin/nfcapd -w -D -p 9997 -u netflow -g apache -B 200000 -S 1 -P /data/nfsen/var/run/p9997.pid -z -T all -I EdgeIntl -l /data/nfsen/profiles-data/live/EdgeIntl -x nfasnupd %d/%f

dont have any idea why.. LIVE profile is normal and AS number shown..

howevet in new created profile always show empty graph (filter any).

Is this a separate problem?  That is: if you remove the flag '-x "nfasnupd %d/%f"' and data arrives with no ASN, are you still able to create new profiles from this data?

I guess you should talk to the author of nfasnupd.  As far as I can see it's a third-party program, not part of either nfdump or nfsen.

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