I've been using NHibernate and Castle ActiveRecord for a few months,
building a complex web application with it. In my repository, I've
been using DetachedCriteria and ICriteria with many hindrances, so I
decided to experiment with LINQ because of popularity (meaning more
helpful information when searching on Google, which proven most
valuable). I find LINQ to be very pleasing with strongly-typed syntax
(newbie friendly).

Even though, I found a solution to my query through trial and error. I
found some limitations and bugs with NHibernate.Linq. Here's my setup,
I have a many to many relationship with an association table between:
Group.cs, GroupMember.cs, User.cs

Using plain SQL Syntax (what I'm trying to archive):
    groupId NOT IN (
        SELECT memberGroupId
        FROM GroupsMembers
        WHERE memberUserId = '3e0d22d2-83c9-443d-978b-9c7000264f74'

Using NHibernate DetachedCriteria and ICriteria (the query works, but
took me many hours to figure out because lack of information/
public static IList<Models.Group> GetGroupsNotByMember(Guid userId) {
return Models.Group.FindAll(DetachedCriteria.For<Models.Group>().Add(
    Restrictions.Eq("groupIsDeleted", false)
        Restrictions.Eq("memberUser.userId", userId)

Most ideal solution using LINQ, but got an error
"System.ArgumentException : Unhandled Expression Type: 1000", probably
NHibernate.Linq is limited:
public static IList<Models.Group> GetGroupsNotByMember(Guid userId) {
return (
    from g in Models.Group.Queryable
    where g.groupIsDeleted == false && !(
        from gm in Models.GroupMember.Queryable
        where gm.memberUser.userId == userId
        select gm.memberGroup.groupId
    select g

Workaround with LINQ (causing to send two queries to the database):
public static IList<Models.Group> GetGroupsNotByMember(Guid userId) {
var memberGroups = (
    from g in Models.GroupMember.Queryable
    where g.memberUser.userId == userId
    select g.memberGroup.groupId
return (
    from g in Models.Group.Queryable
    where g.groupIsDeleted == false && memberGroups.Contains
    select g

>From debugging NHibernate.Linq, I found a query containing unnecessary
things, the "not" clause on groupIsDeleted and multiple parenthesises.
I think it's a bug:
... WHERE (not ((this_.groupIsDeleted = ?p0)) and not ((this_.groupId
in (?p1))));?p0 = True, ?p1 = 29dbf697-cdcb-49a4-ab8a

ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 MVC 1.0
MySQL 5.0.24a
MySQL Connector/Net 6.1.1
NHibernate 2.1.0.GA
NHibernate.Linq 1.0.0.GA
Castle ActiveRecord 2.0

William Chang
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