[2023-09-16 12:36] David Levine <levin...@acm.org>
> Phillipp, I've been using your header field folding for a few weeks and I 
> really like it.  I think that it should be committed, it's  big step forward.

Good to hear. Do you want a format-patch of the final version?

> One issue to resolve first: the References header field at the end of this 
> message ends with:
>  <16f13de3df80f62de768420a3cc3a2fe.phil...@bureaucracy.de>
>   <14298-1693614066.188834@mIBq.BRD6.6M0V>
> There's always an extra space in front of the Message-ID that was appended 
> last.  Is that a relic of repl?

That's strange and I can't reproduce this. Also I can't find code which
would explain this in repl and the default configuration. Maybe in the
convert interface of mhbuild?

> Or, should the folding code collapse multiple white space characters at the 
> beginning of a line?

No, fold() should not change the body of the field. Depending on the
context multible white space characters might have a meaning or are used
to increase readability without a MUA.


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