I noticed that my emails have stuff like:
Message-ID: <25170.1703892488@localhost>

rather than my hostname or domain name.
Since it's like this in my outgoing folder, it must be generated by NMH
rather than by my local postfix.

I think that mts.conf ought to set this, but localname/localdomain do not
seem right, and they aren't set, so my hostname (which is correct, I think)
ought to be used.

I'm running 1.7+dev ... NOPE.
I'm actually rather unsure how to get a --version out of NMH.
Probably time for a git pull, recompile anyway.
Now running Dec. 3, 2023: fefdea3fd1b29686418df45063854ed2e3880488

Still have @localhost in the message-id.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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