Dear all, an alternative which I try to use on strictly positive parameters is 
to estimate on log-scale. Then I think often the assymptitic approximation is 
more true and the resulting measures of parameter uncertainty are more reliable.

Från: <> för Chaouch 
Aziz <>
Skickat: den 12 februari 2015 12:01:51
Till: Eleveld, DJ;
Ämne: [NMusers] RE: Standard errors of estimates for strictly positive 

Dear Douglas, dear Pascal,

Thanks a lot for your answers. I guess the main point here is constrained vs 
unconstrained optimization as the asymptotic covariance matrix of estimates (as 
returned by $COV) is "well defined" only in the latter case. When fitting model 
1, one would normally constrain THETA(1) to be positive by using something like:

(0, 15, 50) ; TVCL

In this situation I wonder whether it makes sense at all to consider the output 
of $COV. It seems model 2 would be here preferable (unconstrained 
optimization). If model 1 is fitted without boundary constraints on THETA(1), 
the covariance matrix of estimates may have "some" meaning but the optimization 
in NONMEM is then likely to crash if it encounters a negative value at some 
point, which again speaks somehow in favor of model 2 (unless one is not 
interested in the output of $COV).

Now what about $OMEGA? Here NONMEM knows that these are variances and therefore 
we do not need to explicitly (i.e. manually) place boundary constraints on the 
diagonal elements of the omega matrix. However something must account for it 
internally. The covariance matrix of estimates returned by $COV also contains 
elements that refer to omega so I'm unsure how these are treated. For diagonal 
elements of the omega matrix, does NONMEM optimize log(omega) or omega? Or does 
it uses a Cholesky decomposition of the Omega matrix and optimize elements on 
that scale? Again, unless the optimization on omega is unconstrained, can we 
really trust the output of $COV? Basically the question here is how would you 
construct an asymptotic 95% confidence interval for a diagonal element of Omega 
(i.e. a variance) based on the information from the covariance matrix of 

The covariance matrix of estimate is of importance to me because I'm 
considering published studies and I do not have access to the data so I cannot 
refit the model with an alternative parametrization. Results from $COV (in lst 
file when available from the authors) is then the only available piece of 
information about the uncertainty of the estimation process.

Kind regards,

Aziz Chaouch
De : Eleveld, DJ []
Envoyé : mercredi, 11. février 2015 22:26
À : Chaouch Aziz;
Objet : RE: Standard errors of estimates for strictly positive parameters

Hi Aziz,

Just some comments off the top of my head in a quite informal way: I'm not 
really sure that these are the same problem because they dont start with the 
same information in the form of parameter constraints. In model 1 you are 
asking the optimizer for the unconstrained maximum likelihood solution for 
TVCL. OK, this is reasonable in a lot of situations, but not necessairily in 
all situations.

In model 2 you add information by forcing TVCL and CL to be positive. If you 
think of the optimal solution as some point in N-dimensional space which has to 
be searched for, in model 2 you are saying "dont even look in the space where 
TVCL or CL is negative". Even stronger, in model 2 you are also saying "dont 
even get close to zero" because the log-normal distribution vanishes towards 

Which solution of these is best for some particular application depends on a 
lot of things. One of the things I would think about in this situation is 
whether or not my a priori beliefs match with the structual constraints of the 
model. Do I really think that the "true" CL could be zero? If yes, then model 2 
is hard to defend in that case.

You description of your situation regarding standard errors is a part of the 
same thing. When you extrapolate standard errors into low-probability areas you 
are checking the boundaries of the probability area. It should not be suprising 
that model 1 might tell you that CL is negative since this was part of the 
solution space which you allowed. With model 2 your model structure says "dont 
even look there"

In short, although these two models might look similar, I think they are really 
quite different. This becomes most clear when you consider the low-probability 

Sorry for the vauge language.

Warm regards,


De : []
Envoyé : mercredi, 11. février 2015 18:30
À : Chaouch Aziz;
Objet : RE: Standard errors of estimates for strictly positive parameters

Dear Aziz,

NM does not return the asymptotic SE of THETA(1) in model 1 on the log-scale. 
So I would use model 2.

With best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen /  Cordialement

From: [] on behalf of 
Chaouch Aziz []
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 5:21 PM
Subject: [NMusers] Standard errors of estimates for strictly positive parameters


I'm interested in generating samples from the asymptotic sampling distribution 
of population parameter estimates from a published PKPOP model fitted with 
NONMEM. By definition, parameter estimates are asymptotically (multivariate) 
normally distributed (unconstrained optimization) with mean M and covariance C, 
where M is the vector of parameter estimates and C is the covariance matrix of 
estimates (returned by $COV and available in the lst file).

Consider the 2 models below:

Model 1:



Model 2:



It is clear that model 1 and model 2 will provide exactly the same fit. 
However, although in both cases the standard error of estimates (SE) will refer 
to THETA(1), the asymptotic sampling distribution of TVCL will be normal in 
model 1 while it will be lognormal in model 2. Therefore if one is interested 
in generating random samples from the asymptotic distribution of TVCL, some of 
these samples might be negative in model 1 while they'll remain nicely positive 
in model 2. The same would happen with bounds of (asymptotic) confidence 
intervals: in model 1 the lower bound of a 95% confidence interval for TVCL 
might be negative (unrealistic) while it would remain positive in model 2.

This has obviously no impact for point estimates or even confidence intervals 
constructed via non-parametric bootstrap since boundary constraints can be 
placed on parameters in NONMEM. But what if one is interested in the asymptotic 
covariance matrix of estimates returned by $COV? The asymptotic sampling 
distribution of parameter estimates is (multivariate) normal only if the 
optimization is unconstrained! Doesn't this then speak in favour of model 2 
over model 1? Or does NONMEM take care of it and returns the asymptotic SE of 
THETA(1) in model 1 on the log-scale (when boundary constraints are placed on 
the parameter)?


Aziz Chaouch

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