Dear all,

Please find below an invitation for a series of webinars on the design & 
analysis of small populations group trials, which might be of interest for many.

Best regards,

Anne-Gaëlle Dosne

Anne-Gaëlle Dosne, PharmD, PhD student
Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Uppsala University
P.O. Box 591, 751 24 Uppsala, Sweden

Phone: +46 18 471 4385
Mobile: +46 725 859 870<>

 [] On Behalf Of Uschner, Diane
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 5:38 PM
To: ''
Subject: Ideal-project IDeAl Webinar Invitation Newsletter

Dear colleagues,

The FP7 funded project IDeAl ("Integrated Design and AnaLysis of small 
population group trials") would kindly invite you to join our online lecture 
series starting on October 4th at 5pm (CEST). The lecture series shall 
highlight some of the main methodological results for each work package.

Joining Details for IDeAl webinar via Adobe Connect:
Enter as a guest using your email address as name.
Room Password: ideal (case sensitive)

A schedule of all lectures and more technical details for Adobe Connect is 
attached to this email as pdf. Or accessible via IDeAl webpage at .

To receive the slides for the webinar beforehand, you can subscribe to the 
mailing list here:

Please forward this email to any colleague who might be interested in a topic.

You are most welcome to join the series!

Ralf-Dieter Hilgers
On behalf of the IDeAl consortium

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