Dear nmusers:
The numsers system is back on-line after 2 weeks of being off line.  My 
apologies for this occurrence, but our service provider was in the process of 
migrating accounts, and the system had to be rebuilt.

Unfortunately, the new servers they have provided us appears to be quite slow, 
and it may take up to 10 hours for the e-mail to be distributed among users.  
This is of course unacceptable, and we are presently looking for a new 
provider.  So, please be patient regarding the e-mail interchange for the next 
couple of weeks until we find a better solution.

Robert J. Bauer, Ph.D.
Pharmacometrics R&D
ICON Early Phase
820 W. Diamond Avenue
Suite 100
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Office: (215) 616-6428
Mobile: (925) 286-0769<><>
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Thank You,

ICON plc
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Dublin 18
Registered number: 145835

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