Dear all,

This is just a reminder that the application to the Uppsala Pharmacometrics 
Summer School (UPSS) closes on 1st March 2017. UPSS will take place in Uppsala 
from 7 to 18 August 2017 and is intended for PhD students with previous NONMEM 
experience. The application form can be found here:
 . Please see below for more information.

Best regards,
Eva on behalf of the Uppsala Pharmacometrics Research Group.


The Uppsala Pharmacometrics Research Group is happy to invite PhD students from 
all around the world to the 7th annual Uppsala Pharmacometrics Summer School 

Dates: 7-18 August 2017.

Place: Uppsala, Sweden.

Intended for: PhD students.

Topics: The first week will focus on covariate model building, and the second 
week on PKPD modelling of continuous and categorical data in NONMEM7.

Program: Lectures, hands-on sessions, student group work and student 

Instructors: Mats O. Karlsson and colleagues

1) Previous experience with the NONMEM software.
2) Students are asked to submit an abstract of the analysis problem they are 
currently working on or planning to start in the near future.
3) Students will also be required to present a poster based on the abstract.

Group work examples:  During each course week two days will be devoted to 
working with real data examples brought by the participants. This has been 
appreciated by the students who brought the examples and also other group 
members who get to expand their hands-on experience. If possible, for the 
purpose of these exercises, we ask the applicants to temporarily share their 
data with fellow students in the group.

Fee: Free of charge (transport, accommodation and food not included).

Traveling grant: Novartis traveling grant covers traveling costs for up to five 
PhD students enrolled at universities in the developing countries. You can 
apply for the grant on the same website as the summer school.

Maximum number of participants: 25.

Application link:

Application deadline: 1st March 2017.


Extra: A block of rooms at a suitably located hostel 
( will be reserved for the course participants 
and a social program will be proposed.

For more information:
About Uppsala:<>
About Uppsala University: <>
About the Uppsala Pharmacometrics group:
About UPSS:
We warmly welcome you to join us for our 7th Uppsala Pharmacometric Summer 

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