Did you know that the Rstudio team is about to release a *massive update to
their package ecosystem*? dplyr, tidyr, purrr, ggplot2 are all getting
faster, better, and more expressive! Don't waste time trying to translate
the new docs and scratch your head why old code may not behave the same.
Join us, where you'll be guided through the ecosystem, and all the new
functionality - we can even help you update your older code snippets!

The University of Maryland Center for Translational Medicine is excited to
announce a new course at PAGE this year - the tidyverse for pharmacometrics.

Built off user feedback, updates in the R ecosystem, and growing baseline
knowledge in our community, this is a new workshop designed to vastly
expand the speed and capabilities of people using R.

With focus areas on reproducible research, visualization, advanced data
manipulation, and functional programming for simulations and data
management, this course will position you to be able to powerfully leverage
all the new packages and techniques being developed by the Rstudio team and
general community to finish projects faster and more reproducibly as well
as share code more easily between projects and colleagues.

More details, and registration can be found at:


Curious whether this course is right for you? Please reach out to me at
devin.past...@gmail.com and we can discuss any questions, but act fast,
only a couple spots remain!

Look forward to seeing everyone at PAGE,

Devin Pastoor and Vijay Ivaturi

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