Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to announce the

*2nd European Training Course on*
*Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Protein Therapeutics – Principles
and Pharmacometric Approaches *
that will be held in Darmstadt, Germany on August 29-31, 2017.

The 3-day course is a shortened version of the course which has been given
for the last seven years  by Prof Bernd Meibohm & Johan Gabrielsson in the
United States, and it is organized in EUROPE under the aegis of AP2POP and
with the sponsoring of Merck.

During this course, you will be introduced to basic principles in the
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation of novel therapeutic
proteins and hands-on exercises in the PK/PD evaluation of these compounds.
Topics include target-mediated drug disposition, tissue and tumor
penetration, first-in-human dose selection, immunogenicity, clinical
pharmacology challenges, biosimilars, and drug-drug interactions. The
target audience comprises pharmaceutical scientists from industry, academia
and regulatory agencies with basic knowledge in PK and PKPD that would like
to receive a comprehensive overview or refresher on the PK and PKPD of this
class of compounds. Hands-on exercises will be performed individually and
in small groups using simple software tools (no prior experience required).

*Attendance and registration:*

The attendance will be strictly limited to 35 participants, allowing nice
interactions. As well, a limited number of spots have been reserved for
academia and trainees for one third of the price thanks to Merck

For more detailed information on the preliminary course program, as well as
on the registration process, please visit:


*Registration form:*

Looking forward to seeing you in Darmstadt next summer !

*The Course Directors*
Bernd Meibohm, University of Tennessee & Johan Gabrielsson, Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences

*The Local Organizers*

Pascal Girard and Maike Puetter, Merck; Christian Laveille, Calvagone

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