Dear Members,


Don't miss this exciting opportunity to learn novel pharmacometrics
approaches for improving the efficiency of drug development.


PharmacoMetrica is holding the:


9th Advanced course on Pharmacometrics

October 9-11, 2017: Chateau de Longcol (France)


This is a 3-day course designed to present advanced concepts on
pharmacometrics using novel methodologies based on integrated
drug-disease-trial models and surface response analysis. Case studies are
presented to illustrate how these tools can be used for improving the
decision-making process during drug development, for facilitating the
development and use of predictive models for describing complex PK profiles,
in-vitro/in-vivo correlation, and exposure-response relationships in
presence of confounding factors such as placebo effect and tolerance.

Course objectives


To present concepts and practical solutions for:

Advanced PK modeling

*         To characterize the complex in-vivo absorption processes of
extended release formulations (ER) and Long Acting Injectable (LAI)
formulations using convolution-based approach

*         To evaluate In-Vitro/In-Vivo correlation methods, including
convolution-deconvolution approach


Advanced exposure-response modeling

*         To evaluate the relationship between drug exposure and clinical

*         To develop models accounting for the confounding role of time
varying placebo response in the assessment of the clinical response

*         To develop integrated disease-drug-trial models

*         To handle acute tolerance effect

*         To estimate the probability of clinical benefit of a treatment


Optimizing drug performances

*         To implement drug optimization strategies using surface-response

*         To determine the relationship between drug delivery and clinical

*         To determine dose, dosage regimen and dosing strategies for
optimizing the clinical benefit



Venue: Chateau de Longcol (France):   <>


Additional details are available at:



Roberto Gomeni, PhD, HDR, Adjunct Professor with the Division of
Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics in the UNC Eshelman School of
Pharmacy at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill



Longcol, 12270 La Fouillade (France)

E-mail:  <>



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