Dear Anna,

Just to answer quickly on the question directed to me: Yes, you understood it 

To implement this in practice, since your NONMEM dataset only includes one 
level for the covariate (all subjects have the same covariate value), you will 
need to make a small addition to the SCM configuration file.
Lets assume DIS=1 is the covariate, where 1 codes for a new indication (which 
was not present in the legacy data used to generate the prior), or a new 
subpopulation, e.g. children/adolescents, where only adults where present in 
the legacy data.
You would then need to add this to the scm configuration file:
Other than that, it is also a little tricky to generate the NONMEM control 
stream with NWPRI on all parameters (of the base model).

PsN has an automatic function for generating this code (option to 
update_inits), but it may be good to check manually.

Best regards


Jakob Ribbing, Ph.D.

Senior Consultant, Pharmetheus AB

Cell/Mobile:    +46 (0)70 514 33 77 <>

Phone, Office:  +46 (0)18 513 328

Uppsala Science Park, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 36B

SE-752 37 Uppsala, Sweden

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