
> Here's a draft for a plan for NPW 104:
> - Call for Papers 15th. of December

Sounds good, but I think we should send it out as soon as we have the dates ready even 
if it's
before the 15th of December.

> We are aiming at having the workshop a month earlier (for no particular 
> reason). By having the Call for Papers, pre x-mas, ppl, can use the 
> x-mas holiday for writing papers etc.

The reason of having it in March instead of April is because certain potential 
speakers are not 
available in April.

> Having the arrangement a weekend will make it much cheaper if we do it 
> at Symbion again and we will be able to choose our own caterer. We got 
> a lot feedback last year, that ppl found it expensive, so we could try 
> to make it cheaper??

I don't think 50 EUR was too expensive, but if we could get the price down to maybe 30 
EUR it
would ofcourse be good.

> Btw. should we have a "theme" again, last year was "Practical Perl"...

ENOIDEA at the moment.. but I'll think about it.


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