Hi Hardeep,
Here is how I add multiple actions.
the complete c++ file is attached.
check the handle_ofentry_install() for the example
Hope it works for you!

here is the partial code
ofp_action_list                actlist;

ofp_action *act = new ofp_action();
act->set_action_dl_addr(OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC,srcmac );

ofp_action *act = new ofp_action();
act->set_action_nw_addr(OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC, ntohl(bom->nw_src));

ofp_action *act = new ofp_action();
act->set_action_output(output_port, 0);

ofp->init_flow_mod(of_raw, actlist);
ofp->set_flow_mod_actions(of_raw, actlist);
ofp->send_command(of_raw,dpid, false );

BTW, the sequence of actions does matter.

From: nox-dev-boun...@noxrepo.org [mailto:nox-dev-boun...@noxrepo.org] On 
Behalf Of Hardeep Uppal
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 3:14 PM
To: kk yap
Cc: nox-dev@noxrepo.org
Subject: Re: [nox-dev] Nox: Adding multiple action to a flow using c++

Has anyone tried adding multiple actions to a flow? If you have, can you post 
an example in c++ showing how its down. My method make the openflow switch 
throw errors about the packet it receives from Nox.

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 9:14 PM, kk yap 
<yap...@stanford.edu<mailto:yap...@stanford.edu>> wrote:
Hi Hardeep,

this looks correct.  Have you looked at the packet sent using
wireshark?  I would recommend that.


On 23 May 2010 20:51, Hardeep Uppal 
<hardeep...@gmail.com<mailto:hardeep...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing a Nox module that adds flow into the openflow switch. I have
> the module working correctly which adds one action ofp_action_output with
> the flow.
> I am not sure how to add multiple flows. I want to add the action
> ofp_action_tp_port defined in openflow.h. The struct for ofp_flow_mod has
> the array struct ofp_action_header actions[0]. I am not sure what the
> correct pointer arithmetic is to add the length of ofp_action_nw_addr and
> ofp_action_output. This is what I have
> ofp_action_nw_addr& action1 = *((ofp_action_nw_addr*)ofm->actions);
>           memset(&action1, 0, sizeof(ofp_action_nw_addr));
>           action1.type = htons(OFPAT_SET_NW_DST);
>           action1.len = htons(sizeof(ofp_action_nw_addr));
>           action1.nw_addr = l3_[2].addr;
> ofp_action_output& action2 = *((ofp_action_output*)(((char*)ofm->actions) +
> sizeof(ofp_action_nw_addr)));
>           memset(&action2, 0, sizeof(ofp_action_output));
>           action2.type = htons(OFPAT_OUTPUT);
>           action2.len = htons(sizeof(ofp_action_output));
>           action2.max_len = htons(0);
>           action2.port = htons(out_port);
> Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Hardeep
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