John - Is it called 'liquid paraffin' in Texas?

(And the bullet/beer buyers use it for...?)

Debbie Lawther

John Liestman wrote:
> Y'all need to come over here to Texas where you can buy liquid paraffin at any
> pharmacy, no questions asked, just down the aisle from the bullets and beer!
> :-)
> John Liestman
> Quoting Colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Interesting point re the liquid paraffin being hard to get.
>> I got mine from the local Tesco in-store pharmacy (behind the counter) and
>> had to go through a grilling as to why I needed it (it seems that many were
>> using it when what was required was a check for bowel cancer and continued
>> use for laxative purposes can cause poor absorption of food and
>> malnutrition - all part of their spiel).
>> Imagine their faces when I explained I wanted it to rub on my bagpipes -
>> followed by another discussion to explain I wasn't being funny or using
>> "bagpipes" as a word for something else.
>> I don't think they were convinced as they still mentioned not taking it
>> without asking the doctor first (as far as I know, he doesn't play).
>> You can buy rat poison quite easily but liquid paraffin?
>> A letter from the Chief Rabbi, Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope is
>> required first (if they stock it at all).
>> Colin Hill
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Stephen Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:58 PM
>> Subject: *** SPAM *** [NSP] Re: boring discovery
>>> Thanks for the reminder Colin.
>>> Whereas I was talking about adapting household items for simple bore
>>> cleaning and oiling, you do have an excellent point about polishing.
>> Cotton
>>> buds are nowhere near tight enough for that specialist task.  Horses for
>>> courses and all that.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Steve
>>> PS:
>>> I predict the need for a central buyer to supply pipers with rarer stuff.
>>> Why ?  Judging by the difficulty I had finding a chemist with retail
>> bottles
>>> of liquid paraffin (most restricting themselves to pharmacy Winchesters
>> for
>>> fear of abuse) it might easily join the prescription list.  And as proper
>>> hardware stores (forget DIY sheds) rapidly become a vague memory, whither
>>> then ?  Wholesalers are naturally only interested in big orders.
>>> To get on or off this list see list information at
> Yer pal,
> John Liestman

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