Dear List,

I've had several enquiries as to how i plan to
interpret the rules for the piping comps at Rothbury
this year, as i once again find myself in the
unenviable position of having to judge.....

The rules themselves are published on the festival
website. The rules for the open are confusing to some
people who feel 4 minutes is not long enough to play a
decent variation set.

My view for this year is as follows:

I would rather hear variations so will be loose with
the 4 minute rule.

The rule about tunes only once through sticks though
though i dislike it) 

 If anyone plays more than 8 minutes it'll count
against them.

I hope that clears things up a little.

Please pass this on to anyone who may be interested -
i'm sure I've now left anyone without access to this
list at a terrible disadvantage which i will be
reminded of for a long time......


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