W2Knews[tm] (the original NTools E-News) Electronic Newsletter
           Vol. 5, #44- September 25, 2000 - Issue #218
Published by sunbelt-software.com since 1996 - ISSN: 1527-3407 
 'Immediate Notification Of Important Windows NT/2000 Events'
*******************over 600,000 subscribers**************************

This Issue of W2Knews contains:

      * More Data on 'Swiss Cheese' OS-es
      * The Black Hat Windows 2000 Security Conference
      * Windows Update Site Is Worth IT.
      * WinME Sales Are So-So.
      * Get Your Rebel MCSE Certificate Now
      * Some One Out There Likes My Book
      * Happy Users, Happy Managers, Happy Boxes, Happy LAN: How?
      * Defragment Your Machines Before W2K Upgrade
5. W2Knews 'FAVE' LINKS:
      * NEW: This Week's 3 Cool HotLinks
7. THE NT/2000 STOCK WATCH - Week of September 22, 2000 - 
Instructions on how to subscribe, sign off or change your address.

********************* SPONSOR: VERISIGN ************************
 Running a server farm? If you're managing multiple servers in 
 your organization, securing all of them can quickly become 
 complicated. But now, you can learn how to simplify security 
 administration through a single point of management - with 
 a valuable new guide from VeriSign. 
 Request the FREE Guide "Securing Intranet and Extranet Servers" 
 at: http://www.verisign.com/cgi-bin/go.cgi?a=n016106070151000

**********************What Is W2Knews?**************************
Sunbelt W2Knews is the World's first and largest e-zine designed 
for NT/2000 System Admins and Power Users that need to keep these
platform up & running. Every week we get you pragmatic, from-the-
trenches news regarding NT/2000 and 3-rd party System Management 
Tools. W2Knews will help you to better understand NT/2000 and pass 
your Certification Exams.  You will get breaking news like new
tools, service packs, sites, or killer viruses via W2KNewsFlashes. 
Sunbelt Software is THE NT/2000 e-business tools site. At the end 
of this message are links to all indexed and searchable back issues. 


      * More Data on 'Swiss Cheese' OSes

Mea maxima culpa. There was a boo-boo in my last W2KnewsFlash (#43). 
I said that NTBugtraq maintained the statistics dB for OS vulnera-
bilities. In fact, its done by SecurityFocus.com who owns BUGTRAQ, 
unrelated to NTBugtraq in all ways but name. I confused the two.

And I got a whole bunch of feedback for which I thank all of you.
Most people wanted to know the source of my info, so let me start
out by giving that: http://www.securityfocus.com/vdb/stats.html

Next, some people said that they were way too high, that I was 
scaring people out of their wits and only poured coal on the 'OS-
war' flames. Others said these numbers were way too low (in the 
sense of not reflecting the full extent of the problem) and gave
me this URL: http://oliver.efri.hr/~crv/security/bugs/list.html 

Let me explain that I was not trying to make any point regarding
the safety of one OS versus another. The statistics on the URLs
above should not be taken to imply that some particular operating 
system or application is more or less secure than another one.
Since security is such a hot topic at the moment, I was trying to 
illustrate the point in the OS space, not compare the OS-es. Hope
this clarifies.

Let's look at all the news this week!

Warm regards,

(Email feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

PS, Most of you have budgets that need to be gone before the end
of the year. I will send you a NewsFlash if I find interesting
products or services!

PPS, Have your MCSE, and want to work in Paris, France for a few 
years? Check: http://www.sunbelt-software.com/techjobs.cfm

***************************SPONSOR: ECORA***************************
With ECORA you can document your servers at a fraction of the time
and cost. Comprehensive text/graphics. Over Web or behind your
firewall. All formats. Redocument whenever desired, no extra cost.
No software to install or maintain. No agents to load. Free trial.

Want to sponsor W2Knews? Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


      * The Black Hat Windows 2000 Security Conference

How come I'm talking about a Conference in the Tech Briefing? Well,
this is the place where you can be briefed far better than I will
ever be able to do. The conference is February 14th and 15th, 2001, 
in Las Vegas at Caesars Palace. They are now inviting speakers and 
I thought it would be nice to make you aware of what it is all about.

The Black Hat Windows 2000 Security conference was created to focus
specifically on the security issues created in the W2K environment.  
Many new technologies are included in W2K and they have security 
implications that need to be understood. Because the issues re.
W2K security are so numerous, a specific Black Hat conference has 
been created to explore them.  Spanning two days with three separate 
tracks, this conference will explore in greater detail the tools, 
technologies, and techniques needed by system administrators to 
stay on the cutting edge.

What makes Black Hat W2K Security different? The speakers. They 
try to select speakers that are doing unique research, writing the 
security tools, or finding the bugs.  No vendor pitches. Just straight
talk from people who know what they are talking about. You can check
out the last briefings, and check the Call For Papers over here:

No time to go? Well, then there is always QualysGuard <grin>.



      * Windows Update Site Is Worth IT.

MS launched a new component to their Windows Update site a few weeks 
ago that you are going to like. It's a section specifically designed 
for corporate IT pros to assist you with finding system updates on 
Windows Update.  Here are the nice pieces about it:

1.  Instead of an agent searching your machine to tell you only what 
    that one machine needs, you as an IT pro can do rich searches 
    based on vendor, OS, and type of devices you're looking for 
    updates too.
2.  Instead of only installing the code as Windows Update does, you
    can download these updates in self-extracting .exe's and put them 
    in a test bed for 'torture-testing'.
3.  Track what you've downloaded by having a download history online.

Here's the URL to the Corporate Update site:

      * WinME Sales Are So-So.

PC Data, one of the best outfits that tracks software sales reported
that about 250,000 PC owners pulled a WinME copy off the shelf. And
on the first day which was Thu Sept 14, about 75,000 were sold. The 
sales are not to write home about, and PC Data did some extrapolation 
that shows a rough 400K will be sold in the first month.

Compared to W95 and W95, that is 30% less, they sold 600K in their
first month, and the WinME upgrades are even cheaper than the W9x 
ones. However, the wave that was created was nice for the market and 
will likely create a good Q4 in retail software sales. Perhaps you do 
not know, but preinstalled OEM Windows versions are selling something 
like 30 times more than retail, so in just a few years there will be 
over a hundred million WinME copies out there anyway.

      * Get Your Rebel MCSE Certificate Now

Remember the August 5 issue? A new disgruntled group called NTCIP 
that has broken off from the Microsoft MCSE-track created their own
certification program. They started issuing their certs last Thursday.

NTCIP stands for NT Certified Independent Professional and they are
mainly the creation of an IT training outfit called Lanop. All MCSE
certs are going to expire Dec 31, 2001 and from Dec 31, 2000 you will
no longer be able to take MCSE exams from Microsoft.

Obviously Microsoft wants every MCSE to go to W2K certification, but
quite a few people balk at that idea. NT is stable enough to be 
around for a long time, and they simply do not feel it is justified
to throw away all the long evenings of study and all the (often out
of pocket) money they spent. 

If you already _have_ your MCSE, you can get grandfathered into NTCIP
without another exam. All you have to show is your passing exam forms
and ask for your FREE NTCIP Cert Number. For another 30 bucks you can
get an ID card and a real Cert you can hang on your wall. I would do 
that without blinking an eye. 

The moment you cannot do any MCSE exams anymore, the NTCIP people 
will jump in and allow you to take these via Sylvan Prometric and VUE
for the same price as MS charges now.  Here's the rebel base:

      * Some One Out There Likes My Book

Read this and you'll see what I mean: <grin> 

I'm the author of the W2K Slipstreaming article you praised in your
last issue of W2Knews - thanks very much for the positive plug. I 
was watching the hit count on the article climb like crazy and 
couldn't figure out why until I got around to my e-mail and found 
your recommend. :-)

I have just finished reviewing your book, the W2K Sys Admin Black 
Book for Cramsession's Win2K Newsletter - you'll be happy to hear 
that we think it's a great piece of work. The newsletter is going 
out tonight and we've also included the article on our site at:


Thanks again and kudos on both your excellent book and newsletter!
Sean McCormick


      * Happy Users, Happy Managers, Happy Boxes, Happy LAN: How?

Monitors: you gotta have them! Your company relies more and more 
on their IT infrastructure. That means _you_ are responsible for 
the availability and performance of business-dependent apps. It 
has become a critical issue for both network administrators and 
business managers. You need an _intelligent_ solution to detect 
and correct system conditions before they cause downtime.

One of the new products we have on line provides a great solution.
OpalisRobot gets you a powerful, smart and highly efficient system 
management tool in your hands. Its got a cool visual GUI that 
really simplifies keeping proactive control over your NT/W2K LANS
and improves the health of your systems and network.

OpalisRobot provides real-time monitoring of your applications, 
web servers, services, email, databases and file systems. Its 
in-depth filtering of event logs and performance counters gets
you immediate alerts and usable information to prevent downtime.

This power-tool goes further than other monitoring solutions. Opalis
has built-in corrective action features. It can start/stop/pause 
services, reboot, ping remote hosts, launch programs, move, copy, 
delete files and query an SQL/ODBC database. It also supports email, 
pager and pop-up notification, event log messaging and database 

Having this puppy running equips you with an essential tool to
simplify administration and improve your system performance.
Result? Happy users, happy managers, happy boxes, happy LAN. And 
guess what? You might even get home early and catch that game.
The new Opalis Robot is an Award Winning, 'Best-of-Breed' tool. 
30-day eval: http://www.sunbelt-software.com/product.cfm?id=585

      * Defragment Your Machines Before W2K Upgrade

Twenty percent of sites are in the thick of upgrading to W2K, or
already done. The other 80% are still thinking about how to do it.
Having a defragger deployed PRIOR to the upgrade can be vital to 
performance both before and after your W2K roll-out.

Windows NT 

It's no secret that NT's performance can suffer big time by disk 
fragmentation. According to a recent report from leading IT 
analysts at IDC, "Disk Defragmentation for Windows NT/2000: Hidden 
Gold for the Enterprise", defragmentation improved NT performance 
by as much as 80%.

If performance is improved by even half that figure, the gains are
still quite spectacular, especially when you considers the large 
numbers of NT machines deployed across today's NT sites. You can 
download this white paper from the Sunbelt Diskeeper Webpage in 
Dutch, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. 

As a result of the performance boost, user productivity is greatly 
improved, as well as TCO for every machine a defragger is installed 
on. Site-wide deployment of a defragger like Diskeeper or a bundle
like SuperBoost-NT, where the highest impact of system performance, 
reduction of TCO and increased productivity can be realized, is also 
made very easy by 'volume licensing' (=big savings) these tools.

Upgrading to Windows 2000

In addition to the TCO and productivity gains available to you now 
on your current Windows NT machines, you should also carefully 
examine why you should have a defragger deployed in advance of your 
W2K upgrade.  

First, the "Disk Defragmenter" contained in W2K is ideal for sites
with one or two standalone machines -- but not for large enterprise 
sites. Per Microsoft, "'Disk Defragmenter' is not intended to be a 
tool for administrators to maintain networked workstations..." 
(Microsoft Knowledge Base article #Q254564).  This is true not only 
of the W2K Disk Defragmenter, but of any manual defragmenter.  

In addition to other functional limitations, such as no scheduling
or background defragmentation, these types of defragmenters require
local admin privileges to run. That's no good as we all know: bad
security and data protection. By opting to use a manual defragmenter, 
you have two choices:  1. Run around and MANUALLY defragment all 
boxes on a site, or 2. Risk giving out administrator privileges to 
users.  This is clearly not an option.  In order to obtain the
substantial performance gains available on both NT and W2K
you'll schedulable, network-wide automatic defragging.  

W2K benefits three times more from defragging than NT !

Second, according the IDC White Paper, W2K performance can be boosted
through defragmentation by as much as 219% -- almost three times the
gains available on Windows NT.  It is obvious that you'll need a
defragger on every W2K machine in order to boost the throughput of 
these boxes. It is therefore vital to performance and TCO that 
you have a defragger installed on every machine prior to the upgrade.

Third, having a third-party defragger installed on every machine 
means that, when Windows 2000 is installed on those machines, you'll 
have the power of network-wide scheduled defragmentation right at 
your fingertips.  And you'll need it; testing has shown that simply 
installing an OS or applications fragments a disk to a very marked 
degree.  Having Diskeeper or SuperBoost-NT installed on every 
machine means that you can maximize performance right from day one, 
and not waste a minute of productivity or a penny in TCO.   

Many sites are also purchasing new hardware as part of their W2K
deployment -- and it's obvious from the data above that performance 
will need to be maximized on these machines as well.  Again, you can 
use volume license discounts to make defraggers an inexpensive and 
cost-effective part of your Windows 2000 upgrade.

Download a FREE 30-day working copy of Diskeeper from:
Download a FREE 30-day working copy of SuperBoost-NT from:

Both pages have a brand new comparison about the differences between
Diskeeper V5.3 and Norton Speed Disk V5.1 but here is the direct link:


5. W2Knews 'FAVE' LINKS: 
Looking for an NT/2000 site that has a whole bunch of good things
all in Spanish? Check out the site of Luis Alejandro Allegretti:
Recursos e Información para usuarios de tecnología Microsoft 
"Windows NT/2000 Tips, Tricks, Registry Hacks and More" joined
with Windows 2000 Mag and is constantly updated. find it at: 
Need an overview of what a MS Open License is, and how they work?


Hate to see your Menus change all the time in Office and IE?
Here's how to keep them from doing that.
MS Office: go to Tools -> Customize, Options tab to uncheck the 
box for "Menus show recently used commands first". That will
get you your full menus back.
IE 5: (If you want to see all your favorite links.)
Tools | Internet Options | Advanced | Enable Personalized 
Favorites Menu (uncheck). You'll need to close and re-open IE 
for this to take effect.

BOOK OF THE WEEK: Windows 2000 Deployment & Desktop Management

More than a simple overview of new features and tools, this 
solutions-driven book is a thorough reference to deploying W2K 
Pro to corporate workstations. The expert real-world advice and 
detailed exercises make this a one-stop, easy-to-use resource 
for any system administrator, integrator, engineer, or other IT 
professional planning rollouts of Windows 2000 clients. 

With this book you will: 
- Examine the business and technical benefits of automated desktop 
- Select the best combination of deployment options, including 
  distribution share points, Remote Installation Services (RIS), 
  system cloning with SYSPREP, the Windows 2000 Professional CD
  -ROM, and integrating installation with Microsoft's SMS 2.0 
- Learn how to use Windows 2000 Support Tools to create and 
  maintain unattended install answer files 
- Explore using RIS and RIPREP to automate deployment of Windows 
  2000 Professional over a network 
- Implement the IntelliMirror technology suite, including the W2K 
  Software Installation and Maintenance component, User Data 
  Management, and User Settings Management 
- Find out how to use automatic repair features, how to avoid "DLL 
  Hell" with integrated protection, how and why to lock down desktops, 
  and how to prepare, install, and manage applications. 

Find it at the --  http://www.sunbelt-software.com/bookclub/ --


7. THE NT/2000 STOCK WATCH - Week of September 15, 2000 - 
Interesting to see who the winners and losers are this week.

                                      52 WK     52 WK     P/E    WEEK
SECURITY                    CLOSE     HIGH       LOW    RATIO    CHNG
Advanced Micro Devices...   25 1/4   48 1/2    8 1/4      24    -9.4%
BMC Software.............   20 5/16  86 5/8   16 1/8      21    +3.1%
BindView Development Corp    8       45 3/4    6                -3.0%
Cisco Systems............   60 5/16  82       32 1/2            -3.8%
Citrix Systems Inc.......   18 11/16 122 5/16 14 1/4      32   -13.0%
Compaq Computer..........   29 5/8   35       18 1/4      44    -2.0%
Computer Associates......   26 1/2   79 7/16  23 11/16    13    -6.8%
Data Return Corporation..   22 1/16  94 1/4   13 1/4            -9.4%
Dell Computer............   35 15/16 59 3/4   33 1/2      54    +0.5%
EMC Corp.................  103       104 1/8  30                +8.9%
Electronic Data Systems C   44 1/8   76 11/16 38 3/8      29    -4.8%
Gateway Inc..............   55 1/2   84       41 5/8      37    -6.4%
Hewlett Packard Co.......  104 1/4   136 3/16 52 1/4      31    -0.0%
Intel Corp...............   47 15/16 75 13/16 32 1/2      42   -16.6%
Intergraph Corp..........    7 41/64  9        3 3/16          +13.4%
International Business Ma  124       134 15/16 89 3/4     32    -0.8%
Legato Systems Inc.......   12 1/4   82 1/2    8 1/8            -9.6%
Micron Electronics Inc...   12 1/16  20 11/16  8 3/16     35    -2.0%
Microsoft Corp...........   63 1/4   119 15/16 60         37    -1.4%
NCR Corp.................   37 11/16 47       26 11/16    11    +0.6%
NetIQ Corporation........   61 7/8   81 1/2   21               +14.7%
Network Associates Inc...   22 1/8   37 3/16  16 1/4      63    -1.1%
Novell Inc...............    9 41/64 44 9/16   7 13/16    21    -2.5%
Oracle Corp..............   80 23/32 93       20 1/2            +3.0%
Qualcomm Incorporated....   73       200      45 1/8      83   +10.1%
Quest Software Inc.......   62       98 1/8   18               +12.7%
Seagate Technology.......   66 1/2   76       26 9/16     49   +11.5%
Silicon Graphics.........    3 9/16   5 3/16   2               -12.3%
Sun Microsystems Inc.....  118       129 5/16 43 3/4            +4.3%
Sybase Inc...............   23 3/4   31       10 3/16     33    -5.0%
Symantec Corp............   43 1/16  81 5/8   31 3/8      15    -5.8%
Unisys Corp..............   10 7/8   49 11/16  9 1/8      8    -19.0%
Veritas Software Corp....  143 49/64 174      32 3/8           +17.2%
Dow Jones 30 Industrials. 10,847.37                             -0.7%


8. "HOW TO USE THE MAILING LIST" Instructions on how to subscribe, 
sign off or change your email address

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Or by email, send a blank message to the following address:



Go here, choose the list you are on, and follow instructions:
or follow instructions at the very end of this newsletter.


First unsubscribe and then resubscribe as per the procedure above.



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At the time of this newsletter's release, all links were 
checked to verify their accuracy and validity.  However, 
due to the ever changing pages of various sites, some links 
may later prove to be invalid.  We regret any inconvenience 
should you be unable to open any of these links.

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This document is provided for informational purposes only. 
The information contained in this document represents the
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