I can not figure out why this progress bar only works when \showframe is 
When you comment on \showframe, it's as if \realpageno is at zero.
(current version: 2024.04.01 08:59)


  numeric n ; n := \number\realpageno ;
  numeric m ; m := \number\lastpageno ;
  numeric h ; h := \overlayheight ;
  numeric w ; w := \overlaywidth ;
  numeric e ; e := 3mm;
  numeric r ; r := (((n-1)/(m-1))*w);
  fill fullsquare xscaled w yscaled e shifted (w/2, h/2) withcolor darkblue ;
  fill fullsquare xscaled r yscaled e shifted (r/2, h/2) withcolor darkred;

\defineoverlay [MonGraphisme_OL] [\useMPgraphic{MonGraphisme_MP}]

\setupbackgrounds [footer] [rightmargin] [background={MonGraphisme_OL}]

\dorecurse{10}{\input tufte\page}

Any clue is warmly welcome
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