Hans wrote:

> % output=pdftex
> \starttext
> \definetextbackground
>    [underbared]
>    [alternative=1,location=text,
>     background=,frame=]
> \def\underbared
>    {\groupedcommand
>       {\starttextbackground[underbared]}
>       {\stoptextbackground}}
> \underbared{\input tufte\relax}
> \stoptext
> typical an example for a MyWay document -)

Thanks! I've been looking through core-pos to try to understand how I can
change the look of this. I can set the colour of the line with framecolor,
but I can't seem to adjust the offset. The default appears to be overlay,
but this looks ugly as an underline, as it obscures the baseline of the
text. I have tried offset=, frameoffset= and backgroundoffset=, but no
change occurs.

Then I also tried getting rid of the alternative=1 (what does this do?) and
putting frame=off,bottomframe=on, but this produced no output at all.

Is there a way to do it?

Also, when a line break occurs the underlining stretches out to the right
further than the end of the line - is there any way to stop this happening?



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