So I thing the case should work as expected. Could you send
complete-and-minimal example?

externalfigure "hacker.jpg" scaled 300;

It seems to me the behaviour is perhaps not intuitive but correct. I try to explain:

Imagine externalfigure without scaling:
externalfigure "hacker.jpg";
What we will obtain? One can imagine the image in its natural size. That is not the case. We obtain the image of the size 1pt x 1pt. I thing there are two reasons for that:
1) Analogy. Imagine this example:
draw origin--(1,0)--(1,1)--(0,1)--cycle;
it is exactly the same as
draw origin--(1pt,0)--(1pt,1pt)--(0,1pt)--cycle;
and it is abbreviated to
draw unitsquare;
and im most cases it is used with scaling
draw unitsquare xscaled 2cm yscaled 1cm;
scaled X = xscaled X yscaled X
unitsquare scaled 2cm
is still square.

   If you do not specify the unit, the pt is deduced.
   So there is an analogy:
     "unitfigure" 1pt x 1pt = externalfigure "file"

2) Technician. The scaling dimensions are calculated by TeX engine.
   It is done by tricks in pt units, so image 1pt x 1pt simplifies
   the calculations.

If you want to use a bitmap in ConTeXt MP environment in its natural size, I suggest to precalculate (according to Hans macro \MPfigure) its dimmensions:

% ------------------------------------
  externalfigure "#1"
    xscaled \naturalfigurewidth\space
    yscaled \naturalfigureheight\space
  \naturalMPfigure{hacker.jpg} ; % space in front of ; is important!!
  \naturalMPfigure{hacker.jpg} scaled 2 slanted .3;

Vit Zyka

Vít Zýka ---
    Automatic document typesetting
    Automaticka sazba dokumentu --

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