
I'm doing a quest. What I intend to do is a table (using Natural
Tables) where one of the columns contains a small icon centered within
the cell with no other data there.

My table looks like this:

   \bTR   \bTH Operation\eTH \bTH[align=middle] Result\eTH    \eTR 
   \bTR   \bTD HelloWorld! \eTD \bTD[align=middle]
\externalfigure[checkbox] \eTD \eTR

"align=middle" for TD gives the expected result for the text, but not
for the image.

I've managed to center the image using \midaligned command, like
below. But the table columns width in this case is set to 50% each.
And the only way I found is to add [width=50pt] to each cell.

   \bTR   \bTH Operation\eTH   \bTH[align=middle][width=50pt]
Result\eTH    \eTR
   \bTR   \bTD HelloWorld! \eTD   \bTD[width=50pt] \midaligned
{\externalfigure[checkbox]} \eTD \eTR

I'm afraid I make things too complicated. Is there a simpler way to do
what I need?

Thanks a lot.

Eugene Toporov
ntg-context mailing list

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