On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 11:10:51AM +0100, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> Just curious: why do you need a cmyk pdf document? I'm asking because the 
> requirement often implies that you are using a less-than-modern printing 
> house. If that is the case, you may be better off using PostScript instead 
> of PDF.
> Greetings, Taco

Actually, I was asked once  to deliver one, because the printing house
charged extra  money for  processing rgb pdf.   But true, this  time I
simply need postscript output. Hence  another question. I was asked to
deliver all  pages as separate EPS  files. I was  using ghostscript to
obtain individual  pages but is there  any option to get  all pages in
the document as separate files using ConTeXt?


   Piotr Kopszak, Ph.D.          
   Polish Art Gallery, National Museum in Warsaw    
   ----------------------------->    http://kopszak.mnw.art.pl/

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