Monday, January 17, 2005 Alan Bowen wrote:

> I am having trouble getting Greek in footnote environment. The Greek
> appears as it should in the text body, but in a footnote all I get is
> the input. In short, ConTeXt \footnote seems to ignore the \localgreek
> command. I attach a brief test file that should produce the problem as
> well as the input file defining the Greek font in the first place.

> Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

> By the way, there is no message in the log file to the effect that the
> Greek font is unavailable at a given font size. And I am using ConTeXt
> ver: 2004.10.26  fmt: 2005.1.3.

> Alan
> ___________________________
> \enableregime[mac]
> \input Oxonia
> \usetypescript [all] [latin-modern] [texnansi]
> \setupbodyfont[reset]
> \setupbodyfont[cmr, 10.5pt]

> \starttext

> The cat is on the mat. The cat is on the mat. \localgreek{a>utopt'ew}
> is not a compound of \localgreek{a>ut'oc} and \localgreek{>opte'uw}.
> The cat is on the mat.
> %
> \footnote{The etymology proposed on p.\ 136 is mistaken:  
> \localgreek{a>utopt'ew} is not a compound of \localgreek{a>ut'oc} and
> \localgreek{>opte'uw}.}\ %
> %
> The cat is on the mat.

> \stoptext
> __________________________________________
> % Oxonia.tex

> \definebodyfont[10pt,10.5pt,11pt,12pt,14pt][rm][Gf=greeoxon sa 1.08]

> \def\enablegreek{\language[greek]\catcode`~=\other\catcode`|=\other\catc
> ode`'=\other}

enablegreek relies on catcode changes, so it cannot work inside
commands. It should be redefined to make use of e-TeX's
\scantoken feature so that it can re-parse its input.

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

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